Historical Electroacoustic Devices

This term represents a collection of devices that have been proven significant in terms of the evolution of the field. Although of great interest and significance to the development of electroacoustic music, the present form of this glossary has not attempted to provide a comprehensive list of individual 'early' devices.

(Bibliographical references and hypertext links will be supplied in this area during future development phases of the EARS resource).

Dispositifs électroacoustiques historiques

Cette catégorie comprend une collection de dispositifs qui ont eu une influence significative dans l'évolution de la musique électroacoustique. Bien qu'il y ait un l'intérêt important dans l'étude de l'évolution de la musique électroacoustique, la forme actuelle de notre lexique ne fournie pas une liste complète de ces premiers dispositifs.

(Des références bibliographiques et des liens hypertextes seront ajoutés dans une phase future de développement de EARS)

Dispositivi elettroacustici storici

Questa categoria contiene una collezione dei dispositi che hanno avuto un'influenza significatica nell'evoluzione della musica elettroacustica. Sebbene esista già un importante settore di studi sull'evoluzione della musica elettroacustica, la forma attuale del nostro Lessico non fornisce una lista completa dei primi dispositivi. (Riferimenti bibliografici e collegamenti ipertestuali saranno aggiunti in una fase successiva dello sviluppo di EARS).

Historische Elektroakustische Geräte

This term represents a collection of devices that have been proven significant in terms of the evolution of the field. Although of great interest and significance to the development of electroacoustic music, the present form of this glossary has not attempted to provide a comprehensive list of individual 'early' devices.

(Bibliographical references and hypertext links will be supplied in this area during future development phases of the EARS resource).

Dispositivos Electroacústicos Históricos

Este término representa a una colección de dispositivos que han probado ser significativos en la evolución del campo. Aunque de gran interés y significado para el desarrollo de la música electroacústica, la forma actual de este glosario no ha intentado incluir un listado exhaustivo de tales dispositivos pioneros.

(Referencias bibliográficas y enlaces hipertextuales serán provistos en esta área durante las futuras fases de desarrollo de EARS)


Asuar J. V. (1980) Un sistema para hacer musica con un Microcomputador (A music-making system using a Microcomputer)
Battier M. (2003) Laboratoires
Berk M. (2000) Analog Fetishists and Digital Futures
Bermúdez Costa J. (1977) Nueva Generación de Instrumentos Musicales Electrónicos (The new generation of electronic music instruments)
Blevins D., Zahler N., Baird B. (1993) Artificial Intelligence and Music: Implementing an Interactive Computer Performer
Boucourechliev A. (1960) La musique électronique
Boulanger R. (1990) Conducting the MIDI Orchestra, Part 1: Interviews with Max Matthews, Barry Vercoe, and Roger Dannenberg
Buxton W., Fedorkow G., Smith K. (1978) A Computer-Controlled Sound Distribution System for the performance of Electroacoustic Music
Chion M. (2000) Comment tourner autour d'un objet sonore
Clark Jr. M. (1959) Ein neues Musikinstrument (A new musical instrument)
Clark Jr. M. (1959) Ein neues Musikinstrument
Clozier C. (1981) The Gmebaphone Sound Diffusion Instrument
Couprie P. (2000) Pierre Schaeffer
Cross L. M. (1999) Reunion: John Cage, Marcel Duchamp, Electronic Music and Chess
Dal Farra R. (2006) A Journey of Sound through the Electroacoustic Wires. Art and New Technologies in Latin America (Un voyage du son par les fils électroacoustiques. L'art et les nouvelles technologies en Amérique latine) (Un viaje sonoro a través del mundo electroacústico. Arte y nuevas tecnologías en América Latina)
Dal Farra R. (2006) A Journey of Sound through the Electroacoustic Wires. Art and New Technologies in Latin America (Un voyage du son par les fils électroacoustiques : L'art et les nouvelles technologies en Amérique Latine)
Davies H. (1992) New Musical Instruments in the Computer Age: Amplified Performance Systems and Related Examples of Low-level Technology
Davies H. (1996) A History of Sampling
Divilbiss J. L. (1964) The Real-Time Generation of Music with a Digital Computer
Donhauser P. (2007) Elektrische Klangmaschinen. Die Pionierzeit in Deutschland und Österreich. (Electric Sound Machines: The pioneering epoch in Germany and Austria)
Ellis P. (1992) Design with Sound: Control of MIDI Information Through Gesture
Ford P. (1963) History of Sound Recording: The Evolution of Magnetic Recording
Galeyev B. M. (1996) Light and Shadows of a Great Life: In Commemoration of the One-Hundredth Anniversary of the Birth of Leon Theremin, Pioneer of Electronic Art
Geslin Y. (2001) Le studio 123
Geslin Y. (2002) Digital Sound and Music Transformation Environments: A Twenty-year Experiment at the “Groupe de Recherches Musicales”
HEISS H. (1960) Spezialaufnahmeaggregat für Tongemische (Record-and-Playback Heads for Tone Mixtures)
Howe H. S. (1966) Music and Electronics: A Report
Howe H. S. (1972) Compositional Limitations of Electronic Music Synthesizers
Humpert H. U. (2004) L'évolution technologique de la musique électronique au cours des 50 dernières années et son influence sur le travail du compositeur
Jones S. (2004) Philippa Cullen: Dancing the Music
Kavina L. (1996) My Experience with the Theremin
Koblyakov L. (1992) Score/Music Orientation: An Interview with Robert Rowe
Koenig G. M., Tempelaars S. (1972) The Computer at the Institute of Sonology, Utrecht
Krefeld V. (1990) The Hand in the Web: An Interview with Michel Waisvisz
Lanza A., Lewin-Richter A. (2002) On Hugh Le Caine
Leipp É. (1968) La musique expérimentale au laboratoire d'acoustique
Locatelli de Pérgamo A. M. (1973) La notación de la música contemporánea (The notation of contemporary music)
Lohner H. (1986) The UPIC System: A User's Report
Lohner H. (1986) Interview with Iannis Xenakis
Malsky M. (2003) Stretched from Manhattan's Back Alley to MOMA: A Social History of Magnetic Tape Recording
Marrin T., Picard R. (1998) The “Conductors Jacket”: A Device for Recording Expressive Musical Gestures
Mathews M. V. (1991) The Radio Baton and Conductor Program, or: Pitch, the Most Important and Least Expressive Part of Music
Miersch M. (2003) Subharchord
Moles A. A. (1959) Instrumentation électronique et musique expérimentales
Montague S. (1994) Rediscovering Leon Theremin
Mumma G. (1975) Live-Electronic Music
Mâche F.-B. (1959) Historique des recherches de musique concrète
Nesturkh N. (1996) The Theremin and Its Inventor in Twentieth-Century Russia
Orton R. (1992) Musical, Cultural and Educational Implications of Digital Technology
Palombini C. (2000) The Brazilian Group for Computer Music Research: A Proto-History
Paradiso J. (1998) Electronic Music Interfaces
Peignot J. (1960) De la musique concrète à l'acousmatique
Poullin J. (1957) Son et espace
Poullin J. (1999) L'apport des techniques d'enregistrement dans la fabrication de matières et de formes musicales nouvelles. Application à la musique concrète
Radovanovic V. (1974) The Radio Belgrade Electronic Studio
Risset J.-C. (1999) Nouveaux gestes musicaux : quelques points de repère historique
Risset J.-C. (1999) Évolution des outils de création sonore
Roads C. (1980) Interview with Max Matthews
Roads C. (1986) The Tsukaba Musical Robot
Roads C. (1986) Ricerche sulla musica e l’intelligenza artificiale
Roads C. (1992) Composition with Machines
Roads C. (1996) Early Electronic Music Instruments: Time Line 1899-1950
Schaeffer M. (1963) The Electronic Music Studio of the University of Toronto
Schaeffer P. (1967) La musique concrète
Scherchen H. (1960) Methoden elektroakustischer Schallaufnahmen (Methods of three-dimensional sound recording)
Springer A. M. (1961) Rotierende Mehrfachköpfe (Rotating Multiple Magnetic Heads)
Teruggi D. (2007) Technology and musique concrète: the technical developments of the Groupe de Recherches Musicales and their implication in musical composition
Theremin L. S. (1996) The Design of a Musical Instrument Based on Cathode Relays
Tiffon V. (2004) La musique mixte: avenir de la musique électroacoustic?
Truax B. (1985) The PODX System: Interactive Compositional Software for the DMX-1000
Vidalenc J.-L. (1990) L'acoustigloo. Le système de diffusion
Wiggen K. (1972) The Electronic Music Studio at Stockholm, its Development and Construction
Yavelow C. (1986) The Impact of MIDI upon Compositional Methodology
Young G. (1981) Hugh Le Caine: Pioneer of Electronic Music - part 2
Young M. (2006) Latent body-plastic, malleable, inscribed: The human voice, the body and the sound of its transformation through technology