• Music made in a laboratory (Lejaren Hiller, Pierre Schaeffer)
    1. The performance of music of which the outcome cannot be foreseen (John Cage, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens and Joaquim M Benitez)
    1. Music in which the innovative component (not in the sense of newness found in any artistic work, but instead substantial innovation as clearly intended by a composer and/or performer) of any given aspect of a given piece or performance takes priority above the more general technical craftsmanship expected of any art work

    (Source - Leigh Landy (1991)">

    Experimental Music

    1. Synonymous with avant-gardism (Paul Griffiths, Robert Fink and Herbert Eimert)
    1. Music made in a laboratory (Lejaren Hiller, Pierre Schaeffer)
    1. The performance of music of which the outcome cannot be foreseen (John Cage, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens and Joaquim M. Benitez)
    1. Music in which the innovative component (not in the sense of newness found in any artistic work, but instead substantial innovation as clearly intended by a composer and/or performer) of any given aspect of a given piece or performance takes priority above the more general technical craftsmanship expected of any art work

    (Source - Leigh Landy (1991). What's the Matter with Today's Experimental Music? Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers: 3-7.)

    Musique expérimentale

    • Synonyme d'avant-garde (Paul Griffiths, Robert Fink et Herbert Eimert) ;
    • musique réalisée en studio (Lejaren Hiller, Pierre Schaeffer) ;
    • exécution d'une musique dont le résultat sonore ne peut être prévu (John Cage, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens et Joaquim M. Benitez) ;
    • musique dans laquelle la part d'innovation (non pas dans le sens de la nouveauté qui se trouve dans toute œuvre artistique, mais dans le sens d'une innovation substantielle clairement prévue par le compositeur et/ou l'interprète) de n'importe quel aspect de l'œuvre ou de l'exécution prend le dessus sur les aspects plus généraux.

    (Source - Leigh Landy (1991). What's the Matter with Today's Experimental Music? Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers: 3-7.)

    Musica sperimentale

    • Sinonimo di Musica d'avanguardia (Paul Griffiths, Robert Fink and Herbert Eimert).
    • Musica fatta in laboratorio (Lejaren Hiller, Pierre Schaeffer).
    • Esecuzione di musica nella quale il risultato non può essere previsto (John Cage, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens and Joaquim M. Benitez).
    • Musica la cui componente innovativa (non nel senso di novità che naturalmente è insita in ogni nuovo lavoro, bensì nel senso di innovazione sostanziale dichiarata e voluta dal compositore e/o esecutore), di qualsiasi aspetto di un'opera o dell'esecuzione, prende il sopravvento sugli aspetti tecnici più generali legati all'artigianalità artistica (Fonte - Leigh Landy (1991). What's the Matter with Today's Experimental Music? Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers: 3-7.).

    Experimentelle Musik

    1. Synonymous with avant-gardism (Paul Griffiths, Robert Fink and Herbert Eimert)
    1. Music made in a laboratory (Lejaren Hiller, Pierre Schaeffer)
    1. The performance of music of which the outcome cannot be foreseen (John Cage, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens and Joaquim M. Benitez)
    1. Music in which the innovative component (not in the sense of newness found in any artistic work, but instead substantial innovation as clearly intended by a composer and/or performer) of any given aspect of a given piece or performance takes priority above the more general technical craftsmanship expected of any art work

    (Source - Leigh Landy (1991). What's the Matter with Today's Experimental Music? Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers: 3-7.)

    Música Experimental

    1. Sinónimo de vanguardia (Paul Griffiths, Robert Fink y Herbert Eimert).
    1. Música hecha en laboratorio (Lejaren Hiller, Pierre Schaeffer).
    1. La ejecución de música cuyo resultado no se puede predecir (John Cage, Michael Nyman, Wim Mertens y Joaquim M. Benitez).
    1. Música en la cual el componente innovador (no en el sentido de la novedad que se puede encontrar en cualquier obra artística, sino en cambio la innovación substancial tal como es planteada por un compositor y/o intérprete) de cualquier aspecto de una pieza o ejecución determinada tiene mayor prioridad que la destreza técnica esperada de cualquier obra de arte.

    (Fuente: Leigh Landy (1991). What's the Matter with Today's Experimental Music? Chur: Harwood Academic Publishers: 3-7)


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