Historically, the spatialisation of sound in concert listening situations has been realised manually. Research, informed to a significant degree by the possibilities offered by recent computer hardware and software, as well as an increased interest in the use of multitrack formats (which create practical problems in manual spatialisation and frequently exhibit innovative aesthetic approaches to spatialisation), has developed various means of automating some or all aspects of the way sonic material is presented spatially. This may range from a musician programming spatial strategies for a piece in an object-oriented environment such as Max/MSP or in the development of specific and dedicated hardware/software solutions such as the Richmond Sound Design Audiobox.
Automated Spatialisation Systems
Système de spatialisation automatisé
Jusqu'à récemment, la spatialisation du son lors de concerts était réalisée manuellement. Mais la recherche, aidée par les possibilités des ordinateurs et des logiciels récents et par l'intérêt grandissant pour les formats multipistes (qui créent toutefois de réels problèmes lors d'une spatialisation manuelle mais permettent aussi des approches esthétiques innovantes), a développé divers systèmes permettant l'automatisation de certains ou de tous les aspects de la spatialisation du matériau sonore. Ces systèmes qui sont utilisés par les musiciens nécessitent la programmation de stratégies de spatialisation pour leurs pièces dans des environnements orientés objets tels que Max-MSP ou le développement d'appareils et de logiciels spécifiques tels que l'Audiobox de Richmond Sound Design.
Sistemi di spazializzazione automatica
Fino a poco tempo fa, la spazializzazione del suono in concerto veniva realizzata manualmente. Le ricerche attuali, aiutate dalle possibilità offerte dai sistemi hardware e software recenti, così come dall'interesse crescente per i formati multitraccia (che sebbene possano creare problemi nella spazializzazione manuale, spingono a trovare approcci estetici alla spazializzazione molto innovativi), hanno sviluppato vasi sistemi per automatizzare alcuni o tutti gli aspetti per la spazializzazione dei materiali sonori. Questi sistemi per i musicisti possono usare la programmazione di strategie di spazializzazione in ambiente per oggetti (object-oriented) come Max/MSP, oppure lo svilppo di sistemi hardware e software specifici dedicati, come la Audiobox del Richmond Sound Design.
Automatisierte Raumverteilungs-Systeme
Historically, the spatialisation of sound in concert listening situations has been realised manually. Research, informed to a significant degree by the possibilities offered by recent computer hardware and software, as well as an increased interest in the use of multitrack formats (which create practical problems in manual spatialisation and frequently exhibit innovative aesthetic approaches to spatialisation), has developed various means of automating some or all aspects of the way sonic material is presented spatially. This may range from a musician programming spatial strategies for a piece in an object-oriented environment such as Max/MSP or in the development of specific and dedicated hardware/software solutions such as the Richmond Sound Design Audiobox.
Sistemas de Espacialización Automatizados
Históricamente, la espacialización de sonidos en situaciones de escucha en concierto ha sido realizada manualmente. La investigación, enriquecida considerablemente por las posibilidades que ofrecen los nuevos softwares y hardwares así como por el interés creciente en el uso de formatos multipista (que crean problemas prácticos en la espacialización manual y frecuentemente muestran enfoques estéticos innovadores hacia la espacialización), ha desarrollado diversos medios para automatizar algunos o todos los aspectos de la forma en la que el material sonoro se presenta espacialmente. Esto puede cubrir desde la programación -por un músico- de las estrategias espaciales para una obra en un entorno orientado a objetos tal como el Max/MSP, o el desarrollo de soluciones hardware/software específicas y dedicadas como la Richmond Sound Design Audiobox.