Abstract Syntax and Abstracted Syntax

Abstract Syntax refers to the manner in which compositional material may be organised according to formal principles, extrinsic to the sonic nature and characteristics of the material itself. Abstracted Syntax refers to the extraction of structuring principles according to what is perceptually perceived as of pertinence within the material itself. The pairing was proposed by Simon Emmerson, in 'The Relation of Language to Materials' in Emmerson, S., ed. (1986). The Language of Electroacoustic Music. (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press), in which he proposes a continuum between the two. The pair is also related to Aural/Mimetic Discourse.

Syntaxe abstraite/extraite (Abstract/Abstracted Syntax)

La syntaxe abstraite se réfère à la manière dont le matériau musical peut être organisé selon des principes formels différents de la nature et des caractéristiques internes du matériau sonore. La syntaxe extraite se rapporte à l'extraction des principes structurants en accord avec ce qui est perçu comme pertinent dans le matériau sonore. Ces termes ont été proposés par Simon Emmerson, dans son article “The Relation of Language to Materials” dans Emmerson, S., ed. (1986). The Language of Electroacoustic Music (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press). Il avance aussi l'idée d'un continuum entre les deux termes. Notons enfin que ces termes font aussi référence au discours aural/mimétique.

Sintassi astratta/estrapolata (Abstract/Abstracted Syntax)

Il concetto di sintassi astratta si riferisce al modo in cui il materiale compositivo può essere organizzato in accordo a principi formali estrinseci alla natura sonica e alle caratteristiche del materiale stesso. Il concetto di sintassi estrapolata, invece, si riferisce all'estrazione di principi strutturali in base a ciò che viene percepito come pertinente al materiale stesso. La coppia di termini venne proposta da Simon Emmerson nell'articolo “The Relation of Language to Materials” contenuto in Emmerson, S., ed. (1986), The Language of Electroacoustic Music (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press), nel quale propone un passaggio continuo tra i due estremi che fanno parte del quadro schematico collegato ai concetti di Discorso uditivo/mimetico (Aural/Mimetic Discorse).

Abstrakte/Abstrahierte Syntax

Abstract Syntax refers to the manner in which compositional material may be organised according to formal principles, extrinsic to the sonic nature and characteristics of the material itself. Abstracted Syntax refers to the extraction of structuring principles according to what is perceptually perceived as of pertinence within the material itself. The pairing was proposed by Simon Emmerson, in 'The Relation of Language to Materials' in Emmerson, S., ed. (1986). The Language of Electroacoustic Music. (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press), in which he proposes a continuum between the two. The pair is also related to Aural/Mimetic Discourse.

Sintaxis Abstracta/Abstraída

La Sintaxis Abstracta se refiere al modo en el que el material composicional puede ser organizado de acuerdo con principios formales, extrínsecos a la naturaleza sonora y las características del material. La Sintaxis Abstraída (Abstracted Syntax) se refiere a la extracción de principios estructuradores de acuerdo con lo que se percibe como pertinente dentro del material mismo. Esta conjunción de términos fue propuesta por Simon Emmerson, en "The Relation of Language to Materials" en Emmerson, S., editor. (1986). The Language of Electroacoustic Music. (Basingstoke: Macmillan Press), en donde él propone un continuo entre los dos. Este par de términos está también relacionado con el Discurso Auditivo/Mimético.
