
Formalism in music is often based on assumptions that music possesses 'grammars' and 'syntaxes' that may be conceived of and manipulated in formal ways. Therefore it implies the use of any intrinsic or extrinsic system in the creation of micro- and/or macro-structures in music.

Formalism is also sometimes used in art as the sum total of the whole and the relationship of its parts.


Le formalisme musical est généralement fondé sur l'hypothèse que la musique possède une grammaire et une syntaxe qui peut être créée et manipulée d'une manière formelle. Ceci implique l'utilisation de n'importe quel système interne ou externe à la musique afin créer des microstructures ou des macrostructures.

Le terme formalisme est aussi parfois utilisé en art pour désigner l'ensemble et les relations des parties d'une œuvre.


Il formalismo musicale in genere si fonda sull'ipotesi che la musica possieda una grammatica e una sintassi che possono essere create e manipolate dal punto di vista della forma. Ciò implica che l'utilizzo di sistemi interni o esterni alla musica al fine di creare micro o macro strutture. Il termine è utilizzato a volte per designare l'insieme e le relazioni delle parti di un'opera.


Formalism in music is often based on assumptions that music possesses 'grammars' and 'syntaxes' that may be conceived of and manipulated in formal ways. Therefore it implies the use of any intrinsic or extrinsic system in the creation of micro- and/or macro-structures in music.

Formalism is also sometimes used in art as the sum total of the whole and the relationship of its parts.


El formalismo en la música está basado, frecuentemente, en suponer que la misma posee una gramática y una sintaxis que pueden ser concebidas y manipuladas formalmente. Esto implica el uso de cualquier sistema intrínseco o extrínseco para la creación de micro y/o macroestructuras en la música.

El formalismo es también empleado a veces en el arte como la suma del todo y las relaciones entre sus partes.


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