Algorithmic Music

This category of music includes the breadth of compositional work that involves the application of algorithms as part of the composition process.

Musique algorithmique

Cette catégorie musicale comprend la majeure partie des œuvres dont le processus de composition utilise des algorithmes.

Musica algoritmica

Categoria che comprende la maggior parte delle opere il cui processo di composizione utilizza algoritmi (il termine “Composizione algoritmica” viene spesso utilizzato come sinonimo).

Algorithmische Musik

This category of music includes the breadth of compositional work that involves the application of algorithms as part of the composition process.

Música Algorítmica

Esta categoría de música incluye una diversidad de modalidades composicionales que involucran la aplicación de algoritmos como parte del proceso de composición.


Aldrovandi L., Ferraz S. (2000) Loop-interpolation-random & Gesture: Déjà vu in computer-aided composition
Alsop R. (1999) Exploring the Self Through Algorithmic Composition
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Di Scipio A. (2002) Systems of Embers, Dust, and Clouds: Observations after Xenakis and Brün
Doornbusch P. (2002) A Brief Survey of Mapping in Algorithmic Composition
Doornbusch P. (2002) Composers' Views on Mapping in Algorithmic Composition
Dorin A. (2001) Generative Processes in the Electronic Arts
Dubnov S. (1999) Stylistic Randomness: About Composing NTrope Suite
Fells N. (1999) Kendhang, Or and Vug: Three works for performer and live computer system
Garnett G. E. (2001) The Aesthetics of Interactive Computer Music
Gayou É., Chowning J. M. (2005) Entretien entre John Chowning et Évelyne Gayou
Giomi F. (1996) An Early Case of Algorithmic Composition in Italy
Harley J. (1994) Generative Processes in Algorithmic Composition: Chaos and Music
Hinojosa Chapel R. (2003) Realtime Algorithmic Music Systems From Fractals and Chaotic Functions: Toward an Active Musical Instrument
Hoffmann P. (2001) Analysis through Resynthesis. Gendy3 by Iannis Xenakis
Hoffmann P. (2004) Something Rich and Strange: Exploring the Pitch Structure of GENDY3
Impett J. (1996) Projection and Interactivity of Musical Structures in Mirror-Rite
Jacob B. L. (1996) Algorithmic Composition as a Model of Creativity
Järveläinen H. (2001) Algorithmic Musical Composition
Karpen R. (2003) An Interview with James Dashow
Keller D., Ferneyhough B. (2004) Analysis by Modeling: Xenakis's ST/10-1 080262
Koenig G. M. (1967) Notes on the Computer in Music
Koenig G. M. (1978) My Experiences with Programmed Music
Koenig G. M. (1983) Integrazione estetica di partiture composte mediante elaboratore - Segmente 99-105 (Aesthetic integration of scores realised with a computer - Segmente 99-105
Küpper L. (1975) Élaboration de la musique électronique à partir d'un ordinateur musical. Tendance à l'automatisation de la composition. Génération d'un monde sonore autonome par interstimulations d'automates sonores
Küpper L. (1975) Élaboration de la musique électronique à partir d'un ordinateur musical. Tendance à l'automatisation de la composition. Génération d'un monde sonore autonome par interstimulations d'automates sonores
MADDEN C. (1999) Fractals in Music. Introductory Mathematics for Musical Analysis
Marcenaro O. (1997) Max and Tabula Vigilans: Two programs for algorithmic and rule-based composition
Maurer IV J. A. (1999) A Brief History of Algorithmic Composition
Merlier B. (2002) Qu'est-ce que l'informatique musicale ?
Merrison B., Orton R., Hunt A., Kirk R. (1998) A Generic Model for Compositional Approaches to Audiovisual Media
Miranda E. R., Hoggar S., McAlpine K. (1999) Making Music with Algorithms: A Case-Study System
Moles A. A. (1968) L'évolution actuelle des musiques expérimentales
Monro G. (1997) This is Art, Not Science
Moroni A., Manzolli J., Gudwin R., Zuben F. v. (1999) Palatal Sound: An Evolutionary Approach to Algorithmic Composition
Nuñez A. (1993) Informática y Electrónica Musical - 2da. edición, revisada (Musical Electronics and Informatics - 2nd edition, revised)
Pecquet F. (1999) From the Model to Its Algorithmic Application
Richard D. M. (1996) Code - notes - music: An epistemological investigation of algorithmic music
Serra M.-H. (1993) Stochastic Composition and Stochastic Timbre: GENDY3 by Iannis Xenakis
Solomos M. (2001) The Unity of Xenakis's Instrumental and Electroacoustic Music: the Case for “Brownian Movements”
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Supper M. (1992) Clarenz Barlows Computeranwendungen : '...eine Maschine, um die Arbeit abzunehmen...' (Clarenz Barlow's computer applications: ' ... a machine that reduces your work ... ')
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Thywissen K. (1999) GeNotator: An environment for exploring the application of evolutionary techniques
Vladimirova T., Burton A. R. (1999) Generation of Musical Sequences with Genetic Techniques
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