Noise Pollution

  • Unwanted sound. The Oxford English Dictionary contains references to noise as unwanted sound dating back as far as 1125
  • Any loud sound. In general usage today, noise often refers to particularly loud sounds. In his "Tuning of the World", Murray Schaefer speaks of unwanted sounds and any loud sounds as noise pollution, that is, detrimental to an acoustic ecology. Although noise is a subjective term in a given society, there will be more agreement than disagreement as to which sounds constitute unwanted interruptions. Soundscape research has been fundamental in terms of the promotion of anti-noise pollution legislation. (Source - R. Murray Schafer (1977). The Tuning of the World. New York: Knopf.)

Pollution sonore

  • Bruit non désiré. Le dictionnaire anglais Oxford fait remonter les références à des sons non désirés à 1125.
  • Tout bruit fort. Dans l'usage courant, le bruit fait référence à des sons particulièrement forts. Dans son ouvrage Tuning of the World, Murray Schaefer parle des bruits non désirés et de tout son fort comme d'une pollution sonore, c'est-à-dire, au détriment d'une bonne écologie acoustique. Bien que le bruit soit un terme subjectif lié à une société donnée, il existe souvent un consensus sur ce qui sera considéré comme une perturbation non désirée. Enfin, sa recherche sur le paysage sonore a été fondamentale dans la défense d'une législation contre la pollution sonore. (Source - R. Murray Schafer (1977). The Tuning of the World. New York: Knopf.)

Inquinamento sonoro

  • Suono indesiderato. Il dizionario Oxford ne lista 1125.
  • Qualsiasi suono forte. Nell'uso corrente, il rumore è connesso con i suoni particolarmente forti. Nella sua opera Il paesaggio sonoro (The Tuning of the World), Murray Schafer parla di suoni indesiderati e di suoni forti in quanto inquinamento sonoro, che vanno a danneggiare l'ecologia sonora o ecologia del suono. Benché il concetto di rumore sia soggettivo e contestualizzato ad una data società, vi è tuttavia un certo consenso su ciò che viene considerato perturbazione non desiderata. La ricerca di Schafer sul paesaggio sonoro è stata fondamentale nella difesa di una legislazione contro l'inquinamento sonoro. (Fonte - R. Murray Schafer (1977). The Tuning of the World. New York: Knopf.)


  • Unwanted sound. The Oxford English Dictionary contains references to noise as unwanted sound dating back as far as 1125
  • Any loud sound. In general usage today, noise often refers to particularly loud sounds. In his "Tuning of the World", Murray Schaefer speaks of unwanted sounds and any loud sounds as noise pollution, that is, detrimental to an acoustic ecology. Although noise is a subjective term in a given society, there will be more agreement than disagreement as to which sounds constitute unwanted interruptions. Soundscape research has been fundamental in terms of the promotion of anti-noise pollution legislation. (Source - R. Murray Schafer (1977). The Tuning of the World. New York: Knopf.)

Polución o Contaminación Sonora

  • Sonido indeseado. El Diccionario Inglés Oxford (Oxford English Dictionary) contiene referencias al ruido como sonido indeseado que se remontan al año 1125.
  • Cualquier sonido fuerte. Hoy en día, generalmente se habla de ruido en referencia a los sonidos especialmente fuertes. En su libro "Tuning of the World", Murray Schaefer habla de los sonidos indeseados y de cualquier sonido fuerte como polución (o contaminación) sonora, es decir, perjudiciales para una ecología acústica. Aún siendo el ruido un término subjetivo que puede variar en cada sociedad, habrá más acuerdo que desacuerdo en relación con qué sonidos constituyen interrupciones indeseadas. La investigación en torno a los paisajes sonoros ha sido fundamental para la promoción de la legislación contra la polución sonora.

(Fuente: R. Murray Schafer (1977). The Tuning of the World. New York: Knopf)
