This book presents a comprehensive series of essays on psychoacoustics that are specifically geared towards introducing the field of psychoacoustics to those interested in music. It covers basic concepts, such as the physiology and functions of the ear, auditory sections of the brain, elements of cognitive psychology, perception, acoustics and analysis tools (including a chapter that is dedicated to auditory scene analysis).
Table of contents:
- The Ear and How It Works
- The Auditory Brain
- Cognitive Psychology and Music
- Sound Waves and Sine Waves
- Introduction to Pitch Perception
- What is Loudness?
- Introduction to Timbre
- Hearing in Time and Space
- Voice Physics and Neurology
- Stream Segregation and Ambiguity in Audition
- Formant Peaks and Spectral Valleys
- Articulation in Speech and Sound
- Pitch Perception and Measurement
- Consonance and Scales
- Tonal Structure and Scales
- Pitch, Periodicity, and Noise in the Voice
- Memory for Musical Attributes
- Haptics
- Haptics in Manipulation
- Perceptual Fusion and Auditory Perspective
- Passive Nonlinearities in Acoustics
- Storage and Reproduction of Music
- Experimental Design in Psychoacoustic Research