A form of signal processing which enables the timbre of one signal to be modified by that of another. The original vocoder (the word is derived from 'voice coder') was developed in 1936 at Bell Laboratories by Homer Dudley as a method for encoding, and thus reducing the bandwidth of speech signals. (The term 'bandwidth' here signifies the amount of information either in a signal or which can be carried by a communications channel.) The classic musical application of the vocoder is to impose the formant characteristics of the voice on some other signal, perhaps from a synthesizer. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)
Forme de traitement du signal dans laquelle le timbre d'un son est transformé par celui d'un autre. Le premier vocodeur (le terme vient de l'anglais voice coder) a été développé en 1936 aux laboratoires Bell par Homer Dudley afin d'encoder, et donc de réduire la bande passante, de la parole. Ici, le terme “bande passante” signifie la quantité d'informations d'un signal qui peut être transmise par un canal de communication. L'utilisation musicale traditionnelle du vocodeur est d'appliquer les caractéristiques des formants de la voix à un autre signal comme celui d'un synthétiseur. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)
Vocoding (Vocoder)
Forma di elaborazione del segnale che permette di modificare il timbro di un segnale con quello di un altro segnale. Il sistema (il cui termina teriva da “voice coder”) è stato sviluppato nel 1936 ai Bell Laboratories da Homer Dudley come metodo di codificazione della parola, in modo da ridurre le bande passanti. (Il termine banda passante significa in questo caso la quantità di informazioni di un segnale o la quantità che può essere trasmessa da un canale di comunicazione). L'applicazione musicale tradizionale del vocoder implica l'applicazione dei formanti della voce ad un altro segnale, come quello di un sintetizzatore (Fonte - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press).
A form of signal processing which enables the timbre of one signal to be modified by that of another. The original vocoder (the word is derived from 'voice coder') was developed in 1936 at Bell Laboratories by Homer Dudley as a method for encoding, and thus reducing the bandwidth of speech signals. (The term 'bandwidth' here signifies the amount of information either in a signal or which can be carried by a communications channel.) The classic musical application of the vocoder is to impose the formant characteristics of the voice on some other signal, perhaps from a synthesizer. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)
Una forma de procesamiento de señales que permite que el timbre de una señal sea modificado por el de otra. El vocoder original (la palabra se deriva de "voice coder") fue desarrollado en 1936 por Homer Dudley en los Laboratorios Bell como un método para codificar, y consecuentemente reducir, el ancho de banda de las señales de voz (en este contexto, el término "ancho de banda" significa la cantidad de información que hay en una señal o que puede ser transportada por un canal de comunicación). El uso musical típico de un vocoder es el de imponer las características de los formantes de la voz sobre otra señal, quizás proveniente de un sintetizador.
(Fuente: Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press)