Intervention refers to creative processes (often with an explicit agenda of political or cultural commentary) that appropriate sonic materials through digital sampling or use technology in some fashion to draw attention to or subvert more conventional means of music distribution and dissemination. It can be closely related to terms such as Culture-Jamming or Plunderphonics. Implicit in the term is an emphasis on using digital technologies as part of an on-going postmodern discourse, rather than in the creation of autonmous and self-contained (modernist) works of art.
L'intervention désigne le processus créatif (souvent fondé sur un parti pris politique ou culturel) utilisant le matériau sonore, comme l'échantillonnage numérique ou toute autre technologie, pour attirer l'attention ou détourner les moyens conventionnels de la distribution et de diffusion musicale. Ainsi, ce terme est très proche de culture-jamming ou plunderphonics. De plus, il contient implicitement la volonté d'utiliser les technologies numériques en tant qu'élément d'un discours postmoderne, plutôt que la création d'une œuvre d'art autonome se suffisant à elle-même.
Termine che indica un processo creativo (spesso basato su un principio politico o culturale) secondo cui il materiale sonoro, come un campionamento digitale o qualsiasi altra tecnologia, funge da pretesto per attirare l'attenzione o per sovvertire i più tradizionali mezzi di distribuzione e diffusione della musica. Il termine si avvicina ai concetti di Interferenza Culturale (Culture-jamming) e di Plunderphonics. Inoltre esso contiene implicitamente la volontà di utilizzare la tecnologia digitale come elemento di un discorso post-moderno, che si scontra con i concetti modernisti della creazione e dell'autonomia dell'opera d'arte.
Intervention refers to creative processes (often with an explicit agenda of political or cultural commentary) that appropriate sonic materials through digital sampling or use technology in some fashion to draw attention to or subvert more conventional means of music distribution and dissemination. It can be closely related to terms such as Culture-Jamming or Plunderphonics. Implicit in the term is an emphasis on using digital technologies as part of an on-going postmodern discourse, rather than in the creation of autonmous and self-contained (modernist) works of art.
La intervención se refiere al proceso creativo (frecuentemente con una agenda explícita de comentarios culturales o políticos) que se apropia de materiales sonoros a través del sampling (muestreo) digital, o que emplea la tecnología para atraer la atención o subvertir medios más convencionales de distribución y diseminación de la música. Está muy relacionada con términos tales como Culture-Jamming (Intervención Cultural) o Plunderphonics. En el término Intervención está implícito el énfasis en usar tecnologías digitales como parte de un discurso postmoderno, más que en la creación de obras de arte autónomas y autocontenidas (modernistas).