Frequency Modulation Synthesis

This refers to a process, which is associated with research undertaken by John Chowning, of frequency modulation where both the carrier and modulating signals are in the audio range, or the latter in the subaudio range. (Reduced from Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)

Synthèse par modulation de fréquence

La synthèse par modulation de fréquence est associée aux recherches effectuées par John Chowning dans lesquelles la fréquence porteuse et le signal modulé sont tout les deux compris dans le spectre audio perceptible ou, dans ses dernières recherches, à un niveau sub-acoustique. (Résumé à partir de Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)

Sintesi per Modulazione di Frequenza

Tecnica di sintesi associata alle ricerche di John Chowning, nella quale sia la portante che la modulante rientrano nello spettro audio udibile o, nelle ricerche più recenti, nello spettro sub-audio. (Fonte – adattato da Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901).

Frequenz-Modulations Synthese

This refers to a process, which is associated with research undertaken by John Chowning, of frequency modulation where both the carrier and modulating signals are in the audio range, or the latter in the subaudio range. (Reduced from Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)

Síntesis por Modulación de Frecuencia

Relacionada con la investigación desarrollada por John Chowning, se refiere al proceso de modulación de frecuencias donde tanto la señal portadora como la moduladora están en el rango audible, o cuando la última está en un rango por debajo de lo audible.

(Extractado de Barry Truax (1999). Handbook for Acoustic Ecology. CD-ROM. Cambridge Street Publishing. CSR-CDR 9901)
