Socio-Cultural Aspects of Electroacoustic Music

As music is a cultural phenomenon, the study of socio-cultural aspects of a given body of music assists in the greater understanding of the place of that music within a given culture at a given time. Electroacoustic music, representing such an extreme departure in music history has influenced culture considerably. This umbrella term concerns the study of electroacoustic music from points of view including sociological and anthropological ones.

Aspects socioculturels de la musique électroacoustique

Comme la musique est un phénomène culturel, l'étude de ses aspects socioculturels permet une meilleure compréhension de sa place dans une culture donnée à un moment donné. La musique électroacoustique, domaine extrême de l'histoire de la musique, a eu une influence considérable sur la culture qui l'a vue naître. Ce terme désigne donc l'étude de la musique électroacoustique à partir de points de vus sociologiques et anthropologiques.

Aspetti Socio-Culturali della Musica Elettroacustica

Poiché la musica è un fenomeno culturale, lo studio dei suoi aspetti socioculturali permette una migliore comprensione della sua collocazione in una data cultura o tempo. La musica elettroacustica, che rappresenta un punto estremo nella storia della musica, ha avuto un'influenza considerevole sulla cultura che l'ha vista nascere. Con questo termine generale si intende lo studio della musica elettroacustica a partire da punti di vista sociologici e antropologici.

Sozio-kulturelle Aspekte Elektroakustischer Musik

As music is a cultural phenomenon, the study of socio-cultural aspects of a given body of music assists in the greater understanding of the place of that music within a given culture at a given time. Electroacoustic music, representing such an extreme departure in music history has influenced culture considerably. This umbrella term concerns the study of electroacoustic music from points of view including sociological and anthropological ones.

Aspectos Socioculturales de la Música Electroacústica

Considerando que la música es un fenómeno cultural, el estudio de aspectos socioculturales de un determinado corpus de música ayuda a la mejor comprensión del lugar de esa música dentro de una cierta cultura en un momento dado. La música electroacústica, que representa un momento extremo en la historia de la música, ha influido considerablemente sobre la cultura. Este amplio término se refiere al estudio de la música electroacústica desde puntos de vista sociológicos y antropológicos.


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