A term proposed by the French writer Michel Chion to contrast with his term Semantic Listening and Pierre Schaeffer's Reduced Listening. Causal listening concerns "listening for the purpose of gaining information about the sound's source". (Source - Michel Chion (1994). Audio-vision. (Gorbman, C. ed., trans.) NY: Columbia University Press.)
Causal Listening
Écoute causale
Terme proposé par l'auteur français Michel Chion en opposition à l'écoute sémantique et à l'écoute réduite de Pierre Schaeffer. L'écoute causale consiste à « écouter le son afin d'obtenir des informations sur sa source ». (Source - Michel Chion (1994). Audio-vision. (Gorbman, C. ed., trans.) NY: Columbia University Press.)
Ascolto causale
Termine proposto da Michel Chion in opposizione ad un altro termine, da lui stesso creato, di Ascolto Semantico e in opposizione al concetto di Pierre Schaeffer di Ascolto ridotto. L'ascolto causale concerne “l'ascolto del suono al fine di ottenere informazioni sulla sua fonte” (Fonte - Michel Chion (1994). Audio-vision. (Gorbman, C. ed., trans.) NY: Columbia University Press.).
Kausales Hören
A term proposed by the French writer Michel Chion to contrast with his term Semantic Listening and Pierre Schaeffer's Reduced Listening. Causal listening concerns "listening for the purpose of gaining information about the sound's source". (Source - Michel Chion (1994). Audio-vision. (Gorbman, C. ed., trans.) NY: Columbia University Press.)
Escucha Causal
Un término propuesto por el escritor francés Michel Chion para contrastar con su término Escucha Semántica y el de Pierre Schaeffer Escucha Reducida. En la Escucha Causal se trata de "escuchar con el propósito de obtener información sobre la fuente sonora".
(Fuente: Michel Chion (1994). Audio-vision. (Gorbman, C. editor, traductor) New York: Columbia University Press)