Sound Art

This term has been used inconsistently throughout the years. Currently it is generally used to designate sound installations (associated with art galleries and museums), public sonic art and site-specific sonic art events. Its German equivalent, Klangkunst, is in greater usage than this English language term.

Art sonore

Ce terme a été utilisé pendant plusieurs années sans avoir une définition bien précise. Actuellement, il est généralement employé afin de désigner des installations sonores (liées aux galeries d'art et aux musées), des événements publiques ou des événements dans des lieux particuliers dédiés au sonic art. Son équivalent allemand, Klangkunst, est beaucoup plus courant que le terme anglais.

Sound Art

Il termine è stato usato a lungo senza beneficiare di una definizione precisa. Attualmente, viene applicato generalmente alle installazioni sonore (nelle gallerie d'arte o nei mussei), agli eventi pubblici o agli eventi in luoghi particolari dedicati alla sonic art (site-specific). L'equivalente tedesco, Klangkunst, è più diffuso rispetto all'inglese.


This term has been used inconsistently throughout the years. Currently it is generally used to designate sound installations (associated with art galleries and museums), public sonic art and site-specific sonic art events. Its German equivalent, Klangkunst, is in greater usage than this English language term.

Arte Sonoro (Sound Art)

Este término ha sido utilizado de modo inconsistente a lo largo de los años. Generalmente, el término es empleado al hablar de instalaciones sonoras (vinculadas con galerías de arte y museos), arte sonoro en espacios públicos y eventos de arte sonoro diseñados para sitios específicos. En español se utiliza la expresión Arte Sonoro. Su equivalente en alemán es Klangkunst, y en inglés, Sound Art.


Bandt R. (2005) Designing Sound in Public Space in Australia: a comparative study based on the Australian Sound Design Project’s online gallery and database
Barthelmes B. (1999) Klangkunst - eine neue Gattung oder ein interdiscziplinäres Feld? (Sound art - a new genre or an interdisciplinary field?)
Cascella D. (2004) Scultori di suono (Sculptor of sound)
Föllmer G. (1999) Klangorganisation im öffentlichen Raum (Sound Organisations in Public Spaces)
Gertich F. (1999) Klangskulpturen (Sound sculptures)
Heon L. (2005) In Your Ear: hearing art in the twenty-first century
La Motte-Haber H. d. (1992) In den Extremen der Dynamik. Maryanne Amachers Wahrnehmungslandschaften (In the Extremes of Dynamics: Maryanne Amacher's Perception Landscapes)
La Motte-Haber H. d. (1999) Klangkunst: Die gedanklichen und geschichtlichen Voraussetzungen: (Sound Art: its concepts and history)
La Motte-Haber H. d. (1999) Zwischen Performance und Installation (Between Performance and Installation)
La Motte-Haber H. d. (1999) Klangkunst: Tönende Objekte und klingende Räume
Müller U. (1999) Klangkörper (Sound bodies [or sounding objects])
Sanio S. (1999) Autonomie, Intentionalität, Situation: Aspekte eines erweiterten Kunstbegriffs: (Autonomy, Intention, Situation: Aspects of an expanded concept of art)
Schedel M. A. (2004) Alternative Venues for Computer Music: SoundGalleryLiving RoomARTSHIP
Senn D. (1997) Pendulum-based Instruments, Percussive Video, Sound Art, and the Permanence of Ephemeral Public Art
Siegfried W. (1999) same time - same place: orts- und zeitabhängige Kunstformen (site and time-dependent forms of art)
Szepanski A., Kleiner M. S. (2003) Soundcultures. Über elektronische und digitale Musik
Tillmann H. G., Stelkens J. (1999) KlangForschung '98: Symposium zur elektronischen Musik
Vickery L. (2001) The Western Edge: Some recent electronic music from Western Australia
Yoshida M., Frisk H. (2005) New Communications Technology in the Context of Interactive Sound Art: an empirical analysis