There were not many books written originally in Spanish about electroacoustic music and media until recently. La Electrónica en la Música ... y en el Arte by Mexican engineer Raúl Pavón Sarrelangue is both a book about the tools and instruments to create electroacoustic music and a pioneering work looking to spread ideas and concepts on the artistic possibilities of using electronic resources.
The book includes chapters on: the history of machines in music, acoustics, the tape studio, the voltage controlled sound synthesizer, computers in music, and also an approach to the electronic arts world. In the synthesizer's chapter, Pavón describes the pioneer instrument he designed during the early 60s in Mexico: the Omnifón.
La Electrónica en la Música ... y en el Arte (Electronics in Music ... and the Arts) was published by CENIDIM, Centro Nacional de Investigación, Documentación, Información y Difusión Musical Carlos Chávez (Carlos Chávez National Center for Musical Research, Documentation, Information and Dissemination).
Table of Contents:
- Esbozo Histórico (Historical outline)
- Elementos de Acústica Musical (Musical acoustics fundamentals)
- Los Primeros Estudios de Música Electroacústica o “Estudios Clásicos” (The first electroacoustic music studios or “classic studios”)
- El Sintetizador Controlado por Voltaje (The voltage-controlled synthesizer)
- La Computadora en la Música (Computers in music)
- Aplicaciones Artísticas de la Electrónica Usualmente Asociadas con la Música o “Arte Electrónico Integrado” (Artistic applications of electronics usually associated with music or “Integrated Electronic Art”)
- Retrospección General y Posibilidades Futuras (General retrospective and future possibilities)