Acoustic Space

The perceived area encompassed by a soundscape, either an actual environment, or an imagined one such as produced with a tape recording and several loudspeakers. Every sound brings with it information about the space in which it occurs (for environmental sound) or is thought to occur (as with synthesised sound). With environmental sound, loudness and the quality of reverberation mainly determine the kind of space that is perceived, enclosed or open, large or small. The sense of speeding motion is usually perceived by the presence of a Doppler Effect. (Reduction of Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)

Espace acoustique

L'espace acoustique est la zone couverte par un paysage sonore ou un environnement réel ou imaginé tel que celui produit à l'aide d'un enregistrement et de plusieurs haut-parleurs. Chaque son véhicule en lui les informations concernant l'espace dans lequel il a été produit (pour les sons environnementaux) ou dans lequel il doit s'inscrire (comme pour les sons synthétisés). Dans le cas des sons environnementaux, c'est l'intensité et la réverbération qui déterminent principalement le type d'espace perçu : fermé ou ouvert, petit ou large. Un déplacement rapide du son est généralement perçu grâce à la présence d'un effet Doppler. (Résumé à partir de Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)

Spazio Acustico

Lo spazio acustico è lo spazio compreso in un paesaggio sonoro, si esso un ambiente reale, oppure immaginario, prodotto tramite una registrazione e svariati altoparlanti. Ogni suono porta in sé le informazioni dello spazio in cui è stato prodotto (nel caso del suono ambientale), o dello spazio per il quale è stato pensato (suono sintetizzato). Con il suono ambientale, sono l'intensità e la qualità della riverberazione a determinare il tipo di spazio che viene percepito, sia esso aperto o chiuso, grande o piccolo. Il senso di movimento del suono viene percepito generalmente grazie all'introduzione dell'Effetto Doppler (Ridotto da Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901).

Akustischer Raum

The perceived area encompassed by a soundscape, either an actual environment, or an imagined one such as produced with a tape recording and several loudspeakers. Every sound brings with it information about the space in which it occurs (for environmental sound) or is thought to occur (as with synthesised sound). With environmental sound, loudness and the quality of reverberation mainly determine the kind of space that is perceived, enclosed or open, large or small. The sense of speeding motion is usually perceived by the presence of a Doppler Effect. (Reduction of Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)

Espacio Acústico

El área percibida, comprendida por un paisaje sonoro -ya sea un ambiente real o uno imaginario-, tal como puede producirse con una grabación y varios altavoces. Cada sonido trae consigo información sobre el espacio en el cual ocurre (en el caso del sonido ambiente) o parece ocurrir (como con el sonido sintetizado). En el sonido ambiente, principalmente la sonoridad (loudness) y la calidad de la reverberación determinan el tipo de espacio que puede percibirse, cerrado o abierto, grande o pequeño. El sentido de velocidad de movimiento es generalmente percibido por la presencia de un Efecto Doppler.

(Extractado de Barry Truax (1999). Handbook for Acoustic Ecology. CD-ROM. Cambridge Street Publishing. CSR-CDR 9901)
