Sound Projection

This term was proposed by François Bayle to designate the concert spatialisation of acousmatic works. However, it is sometimes used as a synonym for the spatialisation itself.

Projection sonore

Expression proposée par François Bayle afin de désigner la spatialisation en concert d'œuvres acousmatiques. Toutefois, elle est parfois utilisée comme un synonyme de spatialisation.

Proiezione Sonora

Espressione proposta da François Bayle per indicare la spazializzazione in concerto di opere acusmatiche. Tuttavia, viene usata talvolta come sinonimo di spazializzazione.


This term was proposed by François Bayle to designate the concert spatialisation of acousmatic works. However, it is sometimes used as a synonym for the spatialisation itself.

Proyección Sonora

Este término fue propuesto por François Bayle para nombrar la espacialización en concierto de obras acusmáticas. Sin embargo, es a veces utilizado como sinónimo de la espacialización misma.
