Electroacoustic Instruments

For the purposes of the Subject Index, all Electroacoustic Instruments may be looked up here.

Instruments électroacoustiques

Cette entrée de l'index concerne tout les types d'instruments utilisés dans la musique électroacoustique.

Strumenti elettroacustici

Nel glossario dui presente, la categoria comprende tutti i tipi di strumenti utilizzati nella musica elettroacustica.

Elektroakustische Instrument

For the purposes of the Subject Index, all Electroacoustic Instruments may be looked up here.

Instrumentos Electroacústicos

A los efectos del Índice de Temas, se puede buscar a todos los Instrumentos Electroacústicos en este Glosario.


Allick K. A., Mulder R. (1993) Skyharp: An Interactive Electroacoustic Instrument
Andersen T. H. (2003) Mixxx: Towards Novel DJ Interfaces
Appleton J. H., Perera R. C. (1975) The Development and Practice of Electronic Music
Appleton J. H. (1989) 21st-Century Musical Instruments: Hardware and Software
Appleton J. H. (1999) Reflexions of a Former Performer of Electroacoustic Music
Archer P., Bowers J. (2005) Not Hyper, Not Meta, Not Cyber but Infra-Instruments
Baalman M. A. J. (2003) The STRIMIDILATOR: a String Controlled MIDI-Instrument
Barrière F. (1997) Thoughts on Analysis in Electroacoustic Music
Battier M. (1999) Les polarités de la lutherie électronique
Battier M. (2001) De la machine à l'oreille. Le paradoxe de la musique concrète
Battier M., Schnell N. (2002) Introducing Composed Instruments, Technical and Musicological Implications
Battier M. (2003) A Constructivist Approach to the Analysis of Electronic Music and Audio Art - Between Instruments and Faktura
Battier M. (2003) Laboratoires
Bernardini N. (1986) Live electronics
Birchfield D., Freeman J., Ramakrishnan C., Burk P., Varnik K., Neuhaus M. (2005) Auracle: a voice-controlled, networked sound instrument
Blaine T. (2005) The Convergence of Alternate Controllers and Musical Interfaces in Interactive Entertainment
Boeswillwald P. (1997) Analysis in the Electroacoustic World
Burtner M. (2002) The Metasaxophone: Concept, implementation and mapping strategies for a new computer music instrument
Burtner M. (2005) Ecoacoustic and Shamanic Technologies for Multimedia Composition and Performance
Cadoz C. (1999) Musique, geste, technologie
Chabot X. (1993) To Listen and To See: Making and Using Electronic Instruments
Chadabe J. (2002) The Limitations of Mapping as a Structural Descriptive in Electronic Instruments
Chadabe J. (2004) Look Around and Get Engaged
Chion M. (1994) Musique, Médias et Technologies
Cisinski M. (2001) Le compositeur, l'outil et la trace historique
Collins N. (1991) Low Brass: The evolution of Trombone-Propelled Electronics
Collins N. (2006) Handmade Electronic Music: The Art of Hardware Hacking
Cook P. R., Essl G., Kapur A., Davidson P. (2002) The Electronic Tabla Controller
Cook P. R. (2004) Remutualizing the Musical Instrument: Co-Design of Synthesis Algorithms and Controllers
Cook P. R., Wilson R. S., Kapur A., Davidson P., Lazier A. J. (2004) The Electronic Sitar Controller
Cook P. R., Kapur A., Davidson P., Wang G. (2005) Interactive Network Performance: a dream worth dreaming?
Cronkite D. (2000) Mediating Gesture: An Interactive Approach to Computer-Assisted Music
D'Escriván J. (2006) To sing the body electric: Instruments and effort in the performance of electronic music
Davies H. (1986) Storia ed evoluzione degli strumenti musicali elettronici (Historical evolution of electronic music instruments)
Davis D. S. (1988) Computer Applications in Music: A Bibliography
Dedman M. (1984) Electronic Instruments
Dierbach C. (1983) Some Initial Ideas on the Control of Digital Sound Synthesis Through AI Techniques
Doati R., Vidolin A. (1986) Nuova Atlantide. Il continente della musica elettronica 1900-1986 (New Atlantis. The electronic music continent 1900-1986)
Eckel G., Becker B. (1996) On the Use of Computer Systems in Contemporary Composition
Emmerson S. (1995) Analysis of Live Electronic Music
Ernoult F., Bayle F. (2002) François Bayle, dans son studio Magison
Essl G., Young D. (2003) HyperPuja: A Tibetan Singing Bowl Controller
Essl G., O’Modhrain S. (2006) An enactive approach to the design of new tangible musical instruments
Faber F., Dury R. (2001) Musique électroacoustique, musique assistée par ordinateur et jeu instrumental: vers de nouveaux instruments pédagogiques
Favilla S., Cannon J. (2006) Fetish: Bent Leather's palpable, visceral instruments and Grainger
Fellot L. (1959) La musique électronique : une source inépuisable de jeux sonores inédits
Fels S., Blaine T. (2003) Contexts of Collaborative Musical Experiences
Fournier D. (1992) L'instrument de l'inouï
Gaburo K. (1989) Murmur
Ghazala Q. R. (2004) The Folk Music of Chance Electronics: Circuit-Bending the Modern Coconut
Glinsky A. (2000) Theremin: Ether Music and Espionage
Gluck R. J. (2005) eSaz: A non-Western instrument in the context of a live electronic performance system
Griffiths P. (1979) A Guide to Electronic Music
Harris Y. (2006) Inside-out instrument
Harvey J. (1999) The Metaphysics of Live Electronics
Hatanaka M. (2003) Ergonomic Design of A Portable Musical Instrument
Hawkins S. (2004) Duel Purpose - Introducing the Diamorphone. An Account of Experiments in Sound and Physical Interaction
Heinrich M.-N. (2003) Création musicale et technologies nouvelles
Holmquist L. E., Gaye L., Mazé R. (2003) Sonic City: The Urban Environment as a Musical Interface
Holmquist L. E., Gaye L. (2004) In Duet with Everyday Urban Settings: A User Study of Sonic City
Hunt A., Kirk R. (2003) MidiGrid: Past, Present and Future
Huott R. (2002) An Interface for Precise Musical Control
Husbands P., Mandelis J. (2004) Don't Just Play it, Grow it! : Breeding Sound Synthesis and Performance Mappings
Jordà S. (2002) Improvising With Computers: A Personal Survey (1989-2001)
Jordà S. (2003) Sonigraphical Instruments: From FMOL to the reacTable
Jordà S. (2004) Digital Instruments and Players: Part I - Efficiency and Apprenticeship
Jordà S. (2005) Multi-user Instruments: Models, Examples and Promises
Kaegi W. (1971) Music and Technology in the Europe of 1970
Kanerva A., Mäki-Patola T., Takala T., Laitinen J. (2005) Experiments with Virtual Reality Instruments
Keane D. (1980) Tape Music Composition
Kessous L., Arfib D. (2003) Bimanuality in Alternate Musical Instruments
Koppelman D., Dobrain C. (2006) The 'E' in NIME: Musical Expression with New Computer Interfaces
(2000) La musique électroacoustique
Laliberté M. (1992) À la recherche du nouvel instrument
Laliberté M. (1999) Archétypes et paradoxes des nouveaux instruments
Laliberté M. (2002) L'inéluctable percussion : archétypes et instruments
Laliberté M. (2004) Aux origines des “nouvelles technologies musicales” : virtuosités et archétypes
Laubier S. d. (1999) Le Méta-Instrument a-t-il un son ? Émergence de lois ou de constantes dans le développement d'instruments virtuels
Leng C. (1999) From Timbre Modulation Method to Research Relation Between Electronic Music and Chinese Musical Tradition
Luening O. (1975) Origins
Machover T., Subotnik M. (1996) Interview with Mort Subotnick
Machover T. (2002) Instruments, Interactivity, and Inevitability
Malt M. (1999) Reflexiones sobre el acto de componer (Thoughts on the act of composing)
Mase K., Yonezawa T. (2001) Body, Clothes, Water and Toys: Media Towards Natural Music Expressions with Digital Sounds
Mase K., Ventura D. (2003) Duet Musical Companion: Improvisational Interfaces for Children
Mathews M. V. (1995) The Esthetic Situation and Actual View of Electroacoustic Music Performance
McCaig G., Fels S., Takahashi S., Kaastra L. (2004) Evolving Tooka: from Experiment to Instrument
Merlier B. (2002) Qu'est-ce que l'informatique musicale ?
Miranda E. R., Livingstone D. (2005) Orb3 - Adaptive Interface Design for Real time Sound Synthesis & Diffusion within Socially Mediated Spaces
Moles A. A. (1959) Instrumentation électronique et musique expérimentales
Muehlen S. v., Gurevich M. (2001) The Accordiatron: A MIDI Controller For Interactive Music
Mumma G. (1975) Live-Electronic Music
Oliveros P. (1995) Acoustic and Virtual Space as a Dynamic Element of Music
Osborn E. (1991) Local Conditions and Perceptual Concerns
Overholt D., Poepel C. (2006) Recent Developments in Violin-Related Digital Musical Instruments: Where Are We and Where Are We Going?
O’Modhrain S., Hughes S., Cannon C. (2003) EpipE: Exploration of the Uilleann Pipes as a Potential Controller for Computer-based Music
O’Modhrain S., Hughes S., Cannon C. (2004) Epipe : A Novel Electronic Woodwind Controller
Paine G. (2004) Gesture and Musical Interaction: Interactive Engagement Through Dynamic Morphology
Pape G. (2004) Varèse the Visionary
Pascal M. (1999) Le studio instrumental : les données d'une virtuosité à l'intérieur même du son
Pennycook B. (1997) Live Electroacoustic Music: Old Problems, New Solution
Pousseur H. (1976) La musica elettronica (Electronic music)
Prins G.-J. (2004) RISK: The Use of High-Frequency Radio Electronics for Audio Recreation
Raes G.-W. (1992) A Personal Story of Music and Technologies
Ramel S. (2004) Conservation and Restoration of Electroacoustic Musical Instruments at the Musée de la Musique, Paris
Reibel G. (2001) À la recherche d'une musique fondamentale
Richards J. (2006) 32kg: Performance Systems for a Post-Digital Age
Risset J.-C. (1992) The Computer as an Interface: Interlacing Instruments and Computer Sounds; Real-time and Delayed Synthesis; Digital Synthesis and Processing, Composition and Performance
Risset J.-C. (1999) Nouveaux gestes musicaux : quelques points de repère historique
Risset J.-C. (2004) The liberation of sound, art-science and the digital domain: contacts with Edgard Varèse
Rothenberg D. (1996) Sudden Music: Improvising across the Electronic Abyss
Rowe R. (1996) Incrementally Improving Interactive Music Systems
Scavone G. P. (2003) THE PIPE: Explorations with Breath Control
Schaefer J. (2001) AudiOh!: Appropriation, Accident and Alteration
Schrader B. (1982) Introduction to Electro-acoustic Music
Seifert U., Kim J. H. (2006) Embodiment: The body in algorithmic sound generation
Serafin S., Ng C., Wilkerson C. (2002) The Mutha Rubboard Controller
Stockhausen K. (1974) Die Zukunft der elektroakustischen Apparaturen in der Musik (The future of electronic apparatus in music)
Stockhausen K. (1996) Electroacoustic Performance Practice
Tetsutani N., Haehnel M., Lyons M. J. (2003) Designing, Playing, and Performing with a Vision-based Mouth Interface
Toeplitz K. T., Baudoux R. (2003) Interview Kasper T. Toeplitz
Valentino R. (1986) Le altre elettroniche (Other electronics)
Valsamis P. (2001) Machines Drumming
Vidolin A. (1997) Musical Interpretation and Signal Processing
Vogt F., Fels S. (2002) Tooka: Explorations of Two Person Instruments
Wanderley M. M., Depalle P., Tassart S. (1997) Instruments virtuels
Weinberg G. (2002) The Aesthetics, History, and Future Challenges of Interconnected Music Networks
Weinberg G., Jennings K., Aimi R. (2002) The Beatbug Network - A Rhythmic System for Interdependent Group Collaboration
Weinberg G. (2002) Playpens, Fireflies and Squeezables: New Musical Instruments for Bridging the Thoughtful and the Joyful
Weinberg G., Driscoll S. (2005) iltur - Connecting Novices and Experts Through Collaborative Improvisation
Wick R. L. (1997) Electronic and Computer Music. An Annotated Bibliography
Wilson-Bokowiec J., Bokowiec M. A. (2006) Kinaesonics: The intertwining relationship of body and sound
Wishart T. (1992) Music and Technology: Problems and Perspectives
Young D., Fujinaga I. (2004) AoBachi: A New Interface for Japanese Drumming
Young G. (1989) The Sackbut Blues: Hugh Le Caine Pioneer in Electronic Music
Ystad S. (1999) De la facture informatique au jeu instrumental
Zattra L., Durante S. (2002) Vent'anni di musica elettronica all'università di Padova. Il Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (20 years of electronic music at Padua University. The Centro di Sonologia Computazionale)
Zattra L., Durante S. (2002) Vent'anni di musica elettronica all'università di Padova. Il Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (20 years of electronic music at Padua University. The Centro di Sonologia Computazionale)