Structural Analysis

A high-level form of analysis that goes beyond the general description of the characteristics of a piece of music. Structural analysis identifies both detail at micro-level as well as larger-scale activities. In this way the development of smaller elements into larger units and their evolution throughout a piece can be identified.

Analyse des structures

C'est une forme d'analyse de haut niveau qui dépasse la simple description générale des caractéristiques d'une pièce musicale. L'analyse des structures identifie à la fois les détails microscopiques et les éléments à large échelle. Ainsi, elle s'occupe des petits éléments composant des unités plus larges et de leur évolution tout au long de la pièce.

Analisi strutturale

Analisi che punta ad evidenziare la struttura di un brano attraverso vari livelli di segmentazione (micro e macro livelli) del "testo" sonoro e la messa in relazione (l'articolazione) di questi vari segmenti.


A high-level form of analysis that goes beyond the general description of the characteristics of a piece of music. Structural analysis identifies both detail at micro-level as well as larger-scale activities. In this way the development of smaller elements into larger units and their evolution throughout a piece can be identified.

Análisis Estructural

Una forma de análisis de alto nivel que va más allá de la descripción general de las características de una pieza de música. El Análisis Estructural identifica tanto los detalles a nivel micro como las actividades a gran escala. De este modo, el desarrollo de los elementos más pequeños en grandes unidades, y su evolución a través de una pieza, puede ser identificado.


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