
Sequencing is based on the use of an electronic system for the recording, editing, composing and reproduction of musical 'events' in the form of control signals for a synthesizer (hence an alternative title, 'event recorder') or sound files. Sequencing musical 'events' is defined by the nature of these signals - analogue voltages in the case of a synthesizer based on voltage control, or digital in the case of those instruments using either a proprietary digital interface or, since the end of 1982, MIDI, now in universal use. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


Un séquenceur est basé sur un système électronique permettant l'enregistrement, l'édition, la composition et la reproduction de son ou d'événements musicaux sous la forme de signaux de contrôle pour un synthétiseur (c'est donc une alternative au terme event recording) ou de fichiers audio. Cet appareil se définit par la nature de ces signaux - tension analogique dans le cas des synthétiseurs basés sur un contrôle en tension, numérique dans le cas des instruments utilisant une interface numérique propre ou, depuis la fin de l'année 1982, MIDI, système utilisé maintenant universellement. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


Un sequencer si basa sull'uso di un sistema elettronico che permette la registrazione, l'edizione, la composizione e la riproduzione di eventi musicali sotto forma di segnali di controllo per un sintetizzatore (da cui il nome alternativo di “event recorder”, registratore di eventi) o di files audio. Il sistema si definisce in base alla natura di questi segnali: per tensione analogica nel caso dei sintetizzatori basati sul controllo di tensione, digitali nel caso degli strumenti che utilizzano un'interfaccia digitale, MIDI nel caso dei sistemi che utilizzano il protocollo MIDI dalla sua introduzione nel1982 (Fonte - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press).


Sequencing is based on the use of an electronic system for the recording, editing, composing and reproduction of musical 'events' in the form of control signals for a synthesizer (hence an alternative title, 'event recorder') or sound files. Sequencing musical 'events' is defined by the nature of these signals - analogue voltages in the case of a synthesizer based on voltage control, or digital in the case of those instruments using either a proprietary digital interface or, since the end of 1982, MIDI, now in universal use. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


La construcción de secuencias (sequencing) se basa en el uso de un sistema electrónico de grabación, edición, composición y reproducción de "eventos" musicales en la forma de señales de control aptas para un sintetizador (de allí su nombre alternativo, "grabador de eventos") o de archivos de audio. Una secuencia de "eventos" musicales se define por la naturaleza de estas señales: voltajes analógicos, en el caso de sintetizadores basados en el control por tensión, o digitales, en el caso de aquellos instrumentos que utilicen ya sea una interfaz digital propietaria o, desde fines de 1982, MIDI, hoy en día de uso universal.

(Fuente: Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press)
