An electroacoustic device used to generate signals with specific waveforms. Common types of oscillators are sine wave, square wave, pulse, triangle wave and sawtooth wave oscillators, each distinguished by the shape of the waveform it produces. The oscillator was available as a source for sounds for tape music composition, and as the tone generator in self-contained musical instruments, but it was only with the development of voltage control that the oscillator was cast into a form suitable for both synthesis and live performance. Oscillators can be simulated digitally by storing one cycle of the waveform and repeating those values during sound synthesis. (Sources: Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901. Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)
Dispositif électroacoustique utilisé pour générer des signaux de forme d'onde spécifique. Les type courant d'oscillateurs sont les oscillateurs à forme sinusoïdale, carrée, en impulsion, triangulaire et en dent de scie. Chacun d'entre eux se distingue par la forme d'onde qu'ils produisent. Les oscillateurs sont disponibles comme source sonore pour la musique composée sur bande et comme générateur de son des instruments musicaux, mais ce n'est qu'avec le développement du contrôle en tension que l'oscillateur a été intégré aux outils de synthèses et de concert. Désormais, les oscillateurs peuvent être simulés numériquement en stockant un cycle de la forme d'onde et en répétant ce cycle pendant la synthèse sonore. (Sources: Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901. Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)
Dispositivo elettroacustico utilizzato per generare segnali con una determinata forma d'onda. I tipi comuni sono gli oscillatori a onda sinusoidale, quadrata, d'impulso, d'onda triangolare, e a dente di sega, ognuno di questi ad indicare la forma d'onda che producono. Gli oscillatori erano disponibili come fonti sonore per la musica analogica composta su nastro (tape music), come generatori di suoni in strumenti autonomi. Solo con lo sviluppo del voltage control (controllore di voltaggio) l'oscillatore è stato integrato in forme pensate sia per la sintesi che per per la performance in concerto. Gli oscillatori possono essere simulati digitalmente memorizzando un ciclo della forma d'onda e ripetendo i valori di questa in ciclo durante la sintesi. (Fonte - Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901. Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press).
Apparecchio elettroacustico usato per generare un segnale con una specifica forma d'onda. Gli oscillatori sono usati, ad esempio, per testare circuiti elettronici, per trasmettere segnali radio ma anche per fornire materiale compositivo nella produzione di musica elettronica. Sono tipi comuni di oscillatori quello ad onda sinusoidale, ad onda quadra, triangolare, a dente di sega, ognuno distinto dalla forma d'onda che produce. Nella sintesi digitale, un oscillatore può essere simulato da un programma o da un dispositivo hardware, mediante calcolo periodico della funzione o table lookup.
An electroacoustic device used to generate signals with specific waveforms. Common types of oscillators are sine wave, square wave, pulse, triangle wave and sawtooth wave oscillators, each distinguished by the shape of the waveform it produces. The oscillator was available as a source for sounds for tape music composition, and as the tone generator in self-contained musical instruments, but it was only with the development of voltage control that the oscillator was cast into a form suitable for both synthesis and live performance. Oscillators can be simulated digitally by storing one cycle of the waveform and repeating those values during sound synthesis. (Sources: Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901. Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)
Un dispositivo electroacústico usado para generar señales con formas de ondas específicas. Diferenciados por las formas de ondas que producen, los tipos de osciladores más comunes son aquellos que generan: ondas sinusoidales, ondas cuadradas, pulsos, ondas triangulares y ondas diente de sierra. En un principio, el oscilador estuvo disponible como fuente de sonidos para la composición de Música para Cinta (Tape Music) y como generador de tonos en instrumentos musicales autocontenidos, pero fue solo con el desarrollo del control por tensión que este recurso tomó la forma adecuada tanto para la síntesis como para las ejecuciones en vivo. Los osciladores pueden ser simulados digitalmente almacenando un ciclo de la forma de onda y repitiendo esos valores durante la síntesis sonora.
(Fuentes: Barry Truax (1999). Handbook for Acoustic Ecology. CD-ROM. Cambridge Street Publishing. CSR-CDR 9901, y Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press)