Dramaturgy of Electroacoustic Music

A term borrowed from theatre which involves the verbal contextualisation of a work or an interpretation or performance thereof. In a sense, the dramaturgy of music is more involved with the question of 'why' something takes place than the 'what' or 'how' of the endeavour. Dramaturgy has always been used to allow someone appreciating art to obtain a greater insight into artists' intention. See, for example, Leigh Landy and Evelyn Jamieson (2000). Devising Dance and Music - IDEE FIXE Experimental Sound and Movement Theatre. Sunderland: University of Sunderland Press.

Dramaturgie de la musique électroacoustique

Terme emprunté au théâtre indiquant la présence d'un texte parlé dans une œuvre, une interprétation ou une exécution en concert. Dans un certain sens, la dramaturgie musicale est plutôt sous-tendue par la question du “pourquoi” quelque chose a lieu, plutôt que du “quoi” ou du “comment”. La dramaturgie a toujours été utilisée pour permettre à quelqu'un d'apprécier l'art en l'aidant à mieux comprendre l'intention des artistes. Voir, en guise d'exemple : Leigh Landy et Evelyn Jamieson (2000). Devising Dance and Music - IDEE FIXE Experimental Sound and Movement Theatre. Sunderland: University of Sunderland Press.

Drammaturgia della Musica Elettroacustica

Termine mutuato dal teatro che indica la presenza di un testo parlato in un'opera, un'interpretazione o un'esecuzione in concerto. In un certo senso, la drammaturgia musicale comprende più la questione del ‘perché' qualcosa abbia luogo, piuttosto del ‘cosa' e del ‘come'. La drammaturgia è sempre stata utilizzata per permettere al fruitore di apprezzare l'arte aiutandolo nella comprensione più profonda dell'intenzione artistica. Si veda a questo proposito Leigh Landy ed Evelyn Jamieson (2000). Devising Dance and Music - IDEE FIXE Experimental Sound and Movement Theatre. Sunderland: University of Sunderland Press.

Dramaturgie Elektroakustischer Musik

A term borrowed from theatre which involves the verbal contextualisation of a work or an interpretation or performance thereof. In a sense, the dramaturgy of music is more involved with the question of 'why' something takes place than the 'what' or 'how' of the endeavour. Dramaturgy has always been used to allow someone appreciating art to obtain a greater insight into artists' intention. See, for example, Leigh Landy and Evelyn Jamieson (2000). Devising Dance and Music - IDEE FIXE Experimental Sound and Movement Theatre. Sunderland: University of Sunderland Press.

Dramaturgia de la Música Electroacústica

Un término, tomado del teatro, que implica la contextualización verbal de una obra o una interpretación o ejecución. En un cierto sentido, la dramaturgia de la música está más relacionada con la pregunta de "por qué" algo ocurre, que con el "qué" o el "cómo". La dramaturgia ha sido siempre utilizada para permitirle a quien aprecia el arte, lograr una mejor comprensión de la intención de los artistas. Ver, por ejemplo, Leigh Landy y Evelyn Jamieson (2000). Devising Dance and Music - IDEE FIXE Experimental Sound and Movement Theatre. Sunderland: University of Sunderland Press.
