Sound Installation

Within the realm of public art, the sound installation can be a musical equivalent of a sculpture, an aural experience designed for a space generally used for the exhibition of visual art or a site-specific work. Many sound installations have profited by applying a variety of electroacoustic techniques and technology in their creation and spatial presentation. Sound installations are normally experienced from any random starting point to any ending point as opposed to the linear autonomous artwork.

Installation sonore

Dans le monde de l'art, l'installation sonore peut être considérée comme un équivalent musical de la sculpture, une expérience auditive créée pour un espace généralement utilisé lors d'expositions d'art visuel ou d'œuvres créées spécifiquement pour le lieu. De nombreuses installations sonores utilisent une grande variété de techniques et de technologies électroacoustiques à la fois dans leur processus de création et à travers leur présentation dans le lieu. Les installations sonores sont habituellement conçues pour êtres expérimentées en partant de n'importe quel point et en allant vers n'importe quel autre point en opposition aux œuvres d'arts linéaires et autonomes.

Installazione Sonora

Nel mondo dell'arte, l'Installazione Sonora viene intesa come un equivalente musicale della scultura, un'esperienza auditiva create per uno spazio utilizzato generalmente in un'esposizione di arti visive, o di opere create per un luogo specifico. Le installazioni sonore usano una grande varietà di tecniche e tecnologie elettroacustiche, sia nel processo di creazione che della rappresentazione dello spazio. Tali installazioni sono pensate per essere fruite a partire da qualsiasi punto dello spazio e in qualsiasi momento, in opposizione alle forme musicali lineari e chiuse.


Within the realm of public art, the sound installation can be a musical equivalent of a sculpture, an aural experience designed for a space generally used for the exhibition of visual art or a site-specific work. Many sound installations have profited by applying a variety of electroacoustic techniques and technology in their creation and spatial presentation. Sound installations are normally experienced from any random starting point to any ending point as opposed to the linear autonomous artwork.

Instalación Sonora

Dentro del ámbito del arte desarrollado en espacios públicos, la instalación sonora puede considerarse como el equivalente musical de una escultura, una experiencia auditiva diseñada para un lugar generalmente utilizado para exhibir obras de arte fundamentalmente visuales o piezas creadas para sitios específicos. Muchas instalaciones sonoras utilizan una diversidad de técnicas y tecnologías electroacústicas para su creación y la presentación espacial. En contraste con las obras de arte lineales y autónomas, las instalaciones sonoras son habitualmente apreciadas comenzando y terminando en un punto cualquiera de la misma.


Allick K. A., Mulder R. (2002) Fragrances of Time and Space: An Omniscape Installation
Bain M. (2003) The Live Room: Transducing resonant architectures
Bandt R. (2003) Taming the Wind: Aeolian sound practices in Australia
Bandt R. (2004) The Listening Place: Alma Park’s Cross Cultural Voices
Bandt R. (2005) Designing Sound in Public Space in Australia: a comparative study based on the Australian Sound Design Project’s online gallery and database
Bandt R. (2006) Sound Installation: Blurring the Boundaries of the Eye, the Ear, Space and Time
Barrett N., Hammer O. (1998) Mimetic Dynamics
Barrett N. (2005) Adsonore
Barrière F. (2003) Où en est la musique électroacoustique aujourd'hui ?
Bertolina L. (1991) Comme un trou de mémoire...
Birchfield D., Phillips K., Lorig D. (2005) Network Dynamics in Sustainable: a robotic sound installation
Birchfield D., Phillips K., Lorig D., Kidané A. (2006) Interactive Public Sound Art: A Case Study
Bonin V., Heimbecker S. (2006) Interview with Steve Heimbecker
Capasso A., Keller D. (2000) Social and Perceptual Processes in the Installation The Trade
Capasso A., Keller D. (2006) New concepts and techniques in eco-composition
Carter P. (1996) Speaking Pantomimes: Notes on The Calling to Come
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Cook P. R., Wright M. (2003) Project Arbol: Deer-B-Gone: Journal of a guerrilla sound installation
Curran A. (1994) Music from the Centre of the Earth: Three Large-Scale Sound Installations
Dack J. (2003) Sound, Installations and Music
Dahlstedt P. (2001) A MutaSynth in Parameter Space: Interactive composition through evolution
Davis R. (2003) ‘... and what they do as they're going ...': Sounding space in the work of Alvin Lucier
Delalande F., Caux J., Teruggi D., Gayou É. (2002) Presque rien avec Luc Ferrari
Dimitri C. (1996) Futura 96
Driscoll J., Rogalsky M. (2004) David Tudor's Rainforest: An Evolving Exploration of Resonance
Fells N. (2002) On Space, Listening and Interaction: Words on the Streets are These and Still Life
Fort B. (1990) De l'acousmatique à la plastique sonore
Giomi F., Schwoon K., Meacci D. (2003) Electroacoustic Music in a Multi-Perspective Architectural Context: A sound installation for Renzo Piano's Auditorium of Rome
Gluck R. J. (2005) Sounds of a Community: Cultural Identity and Interactive Art
Godman R. (2002) Ambient Sound and Resonating Spaces
Godman R. (2004) The Enigma of Vitruvian Resonating Vases and the Relevancs of the Concept for Today
Godman R. (2004) Recreating the Real, Realizing the Imaginary - A Composers Preoccupation with Acoustic Space
Habault D. (1991) Sysdiff, système de diffusion du Ges-Vierzon
Hahn D. (2002) Creating the Soundscape for Zagreb Everywhere
Holmes T. (2002) Electronic and Experimental Music
Iges J. (2000) Soundscapes: A Historical Approach
Klein G. (2003) From the Sound Installation to the Sound Situation: On my work transition - berlin - junction eine klangsituation
Kubisch C. (2002) Digital Arts' Black Sheep
Küpper L. (1991) The Well-tempered Space Sound Instrument a New Musical Instrument
La Motte-Haber H. d. (1992) In den Extremen der Dynamik. Maryanne Amachers Wahrnehmungslandschaften (In the Extremes of Dynamics: Maryanne Amacher's Perception Landscapes)
La Motte-Haber H. d. (1999) Klangkunst: Die gedanklichen und geschichtlichen Voraussetzungen: (Sound Art: its concepts and history)
Lane C., Parry N. (2005) The Memory Machine: sound and memory at the British Museum
Lejeune J.-M. (2004) Robin Minard 4
Liverani M. (2004) Interpreting a Garden: A Sound environment in the park of Villa Caruso Lastra a Signa, Florence, Italy
Lowenstein O. (2000) Return to the Body: Techno-Motion Musician Rolf Gehlharr's Sound=Space
Lucier A. (1998) Origins of a Form: Acoustical Exploration, Science and Incessancy
Mestral C. d. (1991) La composition de l'espace public sonore
Minard R. (1991) La musique environnementale
Monahan G. (1995) Kinetic Sound Environments as a Mutation of the Audio System
Nicolai C. (2001) Milch, 2000
Osborn E. (1991) Local Conditions and Perceptual Concerns
Otondo F., Soto J. (2004) Three diagonal strategies for a sound installation
Otondo F. (2006) Shaping sounds in York Minster
Ouzounian G. (2006) Embodied sound: Aural architectures and the body
Packer R. (2005) Composing with Media: Zero in Time and Space
Paine G. (2002) Interactivity, Where to from here?
Paine G. (2003) Reeds: A responsive environmental installation
Pellarin L., Guglielmi M., Olsen J. M., Gregersen O., Böttcher N., Sarafin S. (2005) Connecting Strangers at a Train Station
Polli A. (2004) Modelling Storms in Sound: The Atmospherics/Weather Works Project
Pottier L. (1999) Contrôle interactif d'une voix chantée de synthèse
Prado C. L. (1991) Deux espaces sonores urbains
Rebelo P. (2003) Performing Space
Rudi J. (2003) Norge - et Lydrike, Norway Remixed: A sound installation
Rudi J. (2005) ‘From a musical point of view, the world is musical at any given moment’: an interview with Bill Fontana
Ryan J., Salter C. (2003) TGarden: Wearable Instruments and Augmented Physicality
Rémus J. (2004) La sculpture sonore, pratique artistique en recherche de définition
Sanio S. (1994) Komponieren als Experiment. Die Musik von Alvin Lucier (Composition as experiment: the music of Alvin Lucier)
Schäfer S. (1999) TopoPhonien
Schäfer S., Krebs J. (2003) Sound - Time - Space - Movement: The space-soundInstallations of the artist-couple
Schütze S. (2003) The Creation of an Audio Environment as Part of a Computer Game World: The design for Jurassic Park - Operation Genesis on the XBOX™ as a broad concept for surround installation creation
Senn D. (1997) Pendulum-based Instruments, Percussive Video, Sound Art, and the Permanence of Ephemeral Public Art
Simons S., Bosch P. (2005) Our music machines
Souffriau A. (1991) Espace-support Espace-acousmatique
Supper M. (1999) Technische Systeme von Klanginstallationen (Technical Systems related to Sound Installations)
Trax S. (2001) No More Mind Games
Velasco D. (2000) Island Landscape: Following in Humboldt's Footsteps through the Acoustic Spaces of the Tropics
Vidolin A. (2005) Percorsi sonori di un teatro immaginario. Da Noms des airs a Lohengrin II di Salvatore Sciarrino (Sonorous ways of an imaginary theatre. From Noms des airs to Lohengrin II by Salvatore Sciarrino)
Viola B. (2004) David Tudor: The Delicate Art of Falling
Weinberg G. (2005) Voice Networks: The Human Voice as a Creative Medium for Musical Collaboration
Woolf S., Yee-King M. (2003) Virtual and Physical Interfaces for Collaborative Evolution of Sound
Wynne J. (2004) Fallender Ton für 207 Lautsprecher Boxen (Falling tone for 207 loudspeaker boxes)
Yoshida M., Frisk H. (2005) New Communications Technology in the Context of Interactive Sound Art: an empirical analysis
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Zazeela M., Young L. M. (1971) La Monte Young
Zvonar R. (2005) A History of Spatial Music