
This term is used in relation to musical composition and analysis as an analogy to grammatical functions and rules in language, and operational rules in the computing sense of the term. The term is invariably allied with attempts to formalise musical knowledge and perceptual response. In composition, grammar may be broadly associated with procedures that make definitions of micro-structural 'units' and proceed to establish operational procedures for their organisation into macro-structures. It is therefore associated with, e.g., stochastic, fractal and generative approaches to composition.

Formalist approaches to musical analysis may attempt, through defining grammar-based rules, to model perceptual responses to music.

Many concerned with formalist grammars are interested in approaches (usually through computing) to model the process of composition itself.


Dans le cas de la composition et de l'analyse musicale, le terme grammaire est utilisé en analogie avec les fonctions et les règles grammaticales du langage et avec les règles opératoires utilisées en calcul. Ce terme est toujours associé aux tentatives permettant de formaliser la connaissance musicale et la réponse perceptive des auditeurs. En matière de composition musicale, la notion de grammaire est largement employée lorsqu'il s'agit de définir des unités de microstructures et de les organiser en macrostructures à l'aide de procédures opérationnelles. Cette notion est donc par exemple associée aux techniques stochastiques, fractales et aux approches génératives de la composition. Dans le domaine de l'analyse, des approches formelles permettent de définir des règles de grammaire afin de modéliser la réponse perceptive des auditeurs à une musique.

Nombreux sont ceux qui, avec des grammaires formelles, s'intéressent aux approches qui permettent de modéliser (habituellement à l'aide du calcul) le processus de composition lui-même.


Nel campo della composizione e dell'analisi musicale, il termine è usato in analogia con le funzioni e le regole grammaticali del linguaggio e con le regole operative utilizzate nel calcolo. Il termine viene associato ai tentativi di formalizzare la conoscenza musicale e le risposte percettive dell'uditore. Nel campo della composizione, può essere impiegata per definire le unità microstrutturali e per organizzarle in macrostrutture con procedure operative. Viene associata per esempio alla stocastica, ai frattali e agli approcci generativi. Gli approcci formali, nell'ambito dell'analisi, permettono di definire le regole grammaticali per modellizare la risposta percettiva alla musica da parte degli uditori. Tra coloro che studiano le grammatiche formali, molti si interessano alla modellizzazione del processo di composizione, spesso grazie all'informatica.


This term is used in relation to musical composition and analysis as an analogy to grammatical functions and rules in language, and operational rules in the computing sense of the term. The term is invariably allied with attempts to formalise musical knowledge and perceptual response. In composition, grammar may be broadly associated with procedures that make definitions of micro-structural 'units' and proceed to establish operational procedures for their organisation into macro-structures. It is therefore associated with, e.g., stochastic, fractal and generative approaches to composition.

Formalist approaches to musical analysis may attempt, through defining grammar-based rules, to model perceptual responses to music.

Many concerned with formalist grammars are interested in approaches (usually through computing) to model the process of composition itself.


Este término es usado, en relación con la composición y el análisis musical, como una analogía de las reglas y funciones gramaticales en el lenguaje, y las reglas operativas en el sentido informático de la palabra. Este término está invariablemente ligado con los intentos por formalizar el conocimiento musical y las respuestas perceptivas. En composición, la gramática puede estar asociada, de modo amplio, con los procedimientos que definen "unidades" microestructurales, y con el establecimiento de los procedimientos operativos para su organización en macroestructuras. Por lo tanto, la gramática está asociada, por ejemplo, con los abordajes estocásticos, fractales y generativos a la composición.

Los abordajes formalistas al análisis musical pueden intentar, definiendo reglas basadas en la gramática, crear modelos de respuestas perceptivas para la música.

Gran parte de las personas que se ocupan de la gramática formalista se interesan por enfoques (usualmente informáticos) que modelen el proceso mismo de la composición.


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