
The use of filters to modify the spectrum of a sound, either for creative effect or as a corrective. A graphic equaliser provides controls over a large number of filters (twenty or more) covering the audio range, allowing selected bands of frequencies to be cut or boosted. One application is to compensate for any undesired room resonances which might otherwise lead to inappropriate adjustments being made during the recording process, the equaliser being applied between the monitor output from the mixing desk and the main amplifiers. A 'parametric equaliser' is a tuneable tone control, giving variable boost or cut of a selected frequency, usually also with a control to vary the bandwidth. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


Utilisation de filtres pour modifier le spectre d'un son dans un but créatif ou pour corriger une écoute. Un égaliseur graphique permet de contrôler un nombre plus important de filtres (vingt ou plus) répartis sur l'ambitus sonore en coupant ou en amplifiant les bandes de fréquences sélectionnées. Une application de cette technologie est de compenser les résonances non voulues d'un lieu pour éviter, par exemple lors d'enregistrement, la modification de certains réglages. L'égalisation étant alors réalisée entre la sortie moniteur de la table de mixage et l'amplificateur. Une “égalisation paramétrique” est un contrôle de tonalité permettant un ajustement variable des fréquences sélectionnées, elle est généralement associée à un contrôle de la largeur de la bande de fréquences. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


Utilizzo di filtri per modificare lo spettro di un suono a scopi creativi oppure per correggerlo. Un equalizzatore grafico permette di controllare un grande numero di filtri (venti o più) ripartiti nell'ambito sonoro tagliando o amplificando le bande di frequenza selezionate. Una delle applicazioni di questa tecnologia è pensata per compensare le risonanze non volute di un luogo, in modo da evitare, in sede di registrazione, aggiustamenti delle specifiche impostazioni. L'equalizzazione in questo caso è realizzata tra l'uscita monitor del mixaggio e l'amplificatore. Una “equalizzazione parametrica” consiste in un controllo di tonalità, e permette un aggiustamento variabile delle frequenze selezionate. Generalmente viene associata a un controllo della larghezza di banda delle frequenze (Fonte - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.).

Angleichung (Equalisation)

The use of filters to modify the spectrum of a sound, either for creative effect or as a corrective. A graphic equaliser provides controls over a large number of filters (twenty or more) covering the audio range, allowing selected bands of frequencies to be cut or boosted. One application is to compensate for any undesired room resonances which might otherwise lead to inappropriate adjustments being made during the recording process, the equaliser being applied between the monitor output from the mixing desk and the main amplifiers. A 'parametric equaliser' is a tuneable tone control, giving variable boost or cut of a selected frequency, usually also with a control to vary the bandwidth. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


El uso de filtros para modificar el espectro de un sonido, ya sea a efectos creativos o como un correctivo. Un ecualizador gráfico permite controlar un amplio número de filtros (veinte o más) cubriendo el rango audible, permitiendo que ciertas bandas de frecuencias puedan ser atenuadas o reforzadas. Una aplicación es compensar las resonancias indeseadas de las salas, que podrían de otro modo conducir a ajustes inapropiados durante el proceso de grabación, al aplicar el ecualizador entre la salida de monitoreo del mezclador y los amplificadores principales. Un "ecualizador paramétrico" es un control de tono que puede sintonizarse para reforzar o atenuar una frecuencia seleccionada, usualmente, además, con un control para variar el ancho de banda.

(Fuente: Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press)