
The effect one sound has on another by making it harder or impossible to hear. In Soundscape Design, for example, masking can make the sonic environment more pleasant. Masking occurs for a few milliseconds before and after the desired sound, these phenomena being termed forward and backward masking respectively. (Source - Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)


Effet dans lequel un son masque au autre son au point que ce dernier est très difficile, voire impossible, à percevoir. Par exemple, dans la création de paysage sonore, le masquage permet de rendre l'environnement sonore plus agréable. Le masquage d'un son se produit quelques millisecondes avant et après celui-ci. Ces phénomènes se nomment respectivement forward masking (masquage en avant) et backward masking (masquage en arrière). (Source - Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)


Effetto per il quale un suono nasconde un altro suono, in maniera da renderlo difficile o impossibile da percepire. Nella creazione di un paesaggio sonoro (Soundscape Design) per esempio, il mascheramento permette di rendere l'ambiente sonoro più piacevole.

Il mascheramento di un suono si produce qualche secondo prima e qualche secondo dopo il suono desiderato. Questi fenomeni sono detti rispettivamente forward masking e backward masking. (Fonte - Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901).


The effect one sound has on another by making it harder or impossible to hear. In Soundscape Design, for example, masking can make the sonic environment more pleasant. Masking occurs for a few milliseconds before and after the desired sound, these phenomena being termed forward and backward masking respectively. (Source - Barry Truax - Handbook for Acoustic Ecology CD-ROM Edition. Cambridge Street Publishing, 1999 - CSR-CDR 9901)


El efecto que un sonido tiene sobre otro haciéndolo más dificil o imposible de oir. En el Diseño de Paisajes Sonoros, por ejemplo, el enmascaramiento puede hacer que el ambiente sonoro sea más placentero. Cuando el enmascaramiento ocurre unos pocos milisegundos antes o después del sonido deseado, se denomina a este fenómeno pre-enmascaramiento y pos-enmascaramiento (forward/backward masking) respectivamente.

(Fuente: Barry Truax (1999). Handbook for Acoustic Ecology. CD-ROM. Cambridge Street Publishing. CSR-CDR 9901)
