Field Recording

Any sound recording created away from the studio in a specific space or sonic environment. The aim of field recording might be to capture a particular element of this space (as is the case, for example in documentary nature recordings), or to capture the totality which may be thought of as soundscape, auditory scene, or ambience. Field recording may also be referred to as 'on-location recording'; however this term is also used to describe commercial recording of performances in specific venues and acoustic settings. Field recording is integral to Soundscape Composition.

Most frequently used in the sense of technique(s) i.e. sound recording ‘in the field' it has also claimed artistic status in relation to music and radio. With the advent of online communities of shared interests, the distribution and sharing of soundfiles across the web, some use the term in the sense of a genre of electroacoustic music, with its own aesthetic as well as technical concerns.

Field Recording (Enregistrement dans un espace)

Tout enregistrement de sons en dehors du studio dans un espace spécifique ou un environnement sonore. L'objectif du field recording est de capturer un élément particulier de cet espace (dans le cas, par exemple, d'un documentaire enregistré sur la nature) ou la totalité de ce qui pourrait se nommer le paysage sonore, la scène auditive ou l'ambiance. Le field recording peut également être désigné sous le vocable de “on-location recording” (enregistrement in situ). Cependant, ce terme est aussi employé pour décrire l'enregistrement commercial d'un concert dans un endroit spécifique possédant une acoustique particulière. L'utilisation du field recording est très courante dans le cas du paysage sonore.

Registrazione sul Campo (Field Recording)

La registrazione di suoni effettuata fuori da uno studio in uno spazio specifico o in un ambiente sonoro. L'obiettivo della registrazione sul campo è di captare un elemento particolare di questo spazio (per esempio, nel caso di un documentario sulla natura), o la totalità di ciò che potrebbe essere definito paesaggio sonoro, scena uditiva o atmosfera. La registrazione sul campo può essere definita come on-location recording (registrazione in situ). Tuttavia questo termine è anche usato per descrivere la registrazione commerciale di concerti e performance in luoghi specifici o in situazioni acustiche particolari. La registrazione sul campo è normalmente utilizzata nella Soundscape Composition.


Any sound recording created away from the studio in a specific space or sonic environment. The aim of field recording might be to capture a particular element of this space (as is the case, for example in documentary nature recordings), or to capture the totality which may be thought of as soundscape, auditory scene, or ambience. Field recording may also be referred to as 'on-location recording'; however this term is also used to describe commercial recording of performances in specific venues and acoustic settings. Field recording is integral to Soundscape Composition.

Most frequently used in the sense of technique(s) i.e. sound recording ‘in the field' it has also claimed artistic status in relation to music and radio. With the advent of online communities of shared interests, the distribution and sharing of soundfiles across the web, some use the term in the sense of a genre of electroacoustic music, with its own aesthetic as well as technical concerns.

Grabación de Campo

Cualquier grabación realizada fuera de un estudio, en un espacio específico o ambiente sonoro. El objetivo de una grabación de campo podría ser capturar un elemento particular de este espacio (como es el caso de las grabaciones documentales de la naturaleza), o capturar la totalidad del mismo, como podría ser el caso de un paisaje sonoro, una escena auditiva o el sonido ambiente. A la grabación de campo se le dice a veces, también, grabación en exteriores ("on-location"). Este término se utiliza también para grabaciones comerciales de performances en lugares y contextos acústicos específicos. La grabación de campo es un componente esencial de la composición de paisajes sonoros.
