This book contains a selection of essays by various authors that address analytical, aesthetic and/or technical aspects related to various works with live electronics: Mixtur by K. Stockhausen (1964), Altra voce by L. Berio (1999-2001), Guai ai gelidi mostri by L. Nono (1983), works by S. Sciarrino, and I am sitting in a room by A. Lucier (1970). These essays discuss various aesthetic, technical and compositional approaches as well as methodologies of analysis and performing techniques. All articles underline the importance of the sound technician as a new figure involved with interpretation during different phases of the realization of the piece: creation, research, collaboration with the composer, and performance. Live electronics make the production of an electroacoustic work a collaborative process. Authors also deal with analytical problems and the difficulty of finding and investigating heterogeneous sources.
Table of contents:
- Introduction (Andrea Cremaschi & Francesco Giomi)
- The art of transition: electronic functions in Mixtur by Karlheinz Stockhausen (Peter W. Schatt)
- Word-sound-silence: Guai ai gelidi mostri by Luigi Nono (Andrea Cremaschi)
- The mutable discourse: Altra voce by Luciano Berio (Francesco Giomi ñ Kilian Schwoon)
- Sonorous ways of an imaginary theatre. From Noms des airs to Lohengrin I by Salvatore Sciarrino (Alvise Vidolin)
- For a live electronic crisis. I am sitting in a room by Alvin Lucier (Agostino Di Scipio)