
A term denoting musics, fixed on a medium or performed live (often utilising a laptop computer), based on the structuring and manipulation of small audio artefacts traditionally considered as defects, such as clicks. The term implies a celebratory lo-fi aesthetic, and inherently is closely related to the concepts of the grain and granularity.


Terme décrivant les musiques, fixées sur un support ou jouées en direct (utilisant souvent un ordinateur portable), basées sur l'utilisation et la manipulation de petits objets sonores habituellement considérés comme des défauts tels que les clics. Ce terme met en valeur une esthétique lo-fi et est lié aux concepts de grain et de granularité.

Glitch (errore digitale)

Con questo termine ngono indicate le musiche, fissate su supporto o suonate in tempo reale (spesso con computer portatili), basate sull'utilizzo o la manipolazione di piccoli oggetti sonori che abitualmente sono considerati errori, come il click. Il termine sottolinea un valore estetico lo-fi, ed è legato al concetto di grano e granularità.


A term denoting musics, fixed on a medium or performed live (often utilising a laptop computer), based on the structuring and manipulation of small audio artefacts traditionally considered as defects, such as clicks. The term implies a celebratory lo-fi aesthetic, and inherently is closely related to the concepts of the grain and granularity.

Glitch (Interferencia, Defecto, Imperfección)

Un término que significa música, ya sea grabada o interpretada en vivo (frecuentemente utilizando una computadora portátil o laptop), basada en la estructuración y manipulación de lo que se considera habitualmente como pequeños defectos en las señales de audio, por ejemplo clicks. El término implica la celebración de la estética lo-fi (de Baja Fidelidad) y está inherentemente relacionado con los conceptos de grano y granularidad.
