FOF (Formant Wave Function Synthesis) was developed as part of IRCAM's 'CHANT' project, which was devoted to the development of techniques for the realistic synthesis of the singing voice. It models the human voice as the sound from an impulse generator (the equivalent to the vocal chords) passing through a set of band-pass filters (representing the characteristics of the vocal tract), each filter corresponding to a vocal formant.

Since the output from the impulse generator can be considered as a sequence of 'grains', the technique can be seen to be closely related to granular synthesis, the difference being that in FOF the grains are regular and synchronous, generating a coherent periodic waveform. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


La FOF (synthèse par Fonction d'Onde Formantique) a été développée à l'IRCAM dans le cadre du projet “CHANT” dont l'objectif était l'élaboration de techniques réalistes pour la synthèse de la voix chantée. Cette technique permet de modéliser la voix humaine à partir du son d'un générateur d'impulsions (l'équivalent des cordes vocales) passant à travers un ensemble de filtres passe-bande (représentant les caractéristiques de l'ambitus vocal), chaque filtre correspondant à un formant de la voix.

Puisque le générateur d'impulsion produit une séquence de “grains”, cette technique peut être rapprochée de la synthèse granulaire. Toutefois, la différence entre les deux se situe dans le fait que la FOF utilise des grains réguliers et synchrones produisant une forme d'onde périodique. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)

FOF (Sintesi per Formanti)

Con FOF (Fonction d'onde formantique) si indica una tecnica di sintesi sviluppata all'IRCAM nell'ambito del progetto CHANT, il cui obiettivo era l'elaborazione di tecniche per la sintesi realistica della voce cantata. Il principio fondamentale è il modello della voce umana a partire da un generatore di impulsi (che corrisponde alle corde vocali) filtrati da filtri passa-banda (che rappresentano l'escursione delle caratteristiche vocali) e che replicano l'inviluppo delle formanti.

Poiché il generatore di impulsi produce una sequenza di “grani”, questa tecnica viene anche accostata alla sintesi granulare. Tuttavia, la FOF differisce da quest'ultima in quanto utilizza grani regolari e sincroni che producono una forma d'onda periodica, com'è appunto nel caso della voce (Fonte - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.).

FOF (Formant-Welle-Funktions-Synthese)

FOF (Formant Wave Function Synthesis) was developed as part of IRCAM's 'CHANT' project, which was devoted to the development of techniques for the realistic synthesis of the singing voice. It models the human voice as the sound from an impulse generator (the equivalent to the vocal chords) passing through a set of band-pass filters (representing the characteristics of the vocal tract), each filter corresponding to a vocal formant.

Since the output from the impulse generator can be considered as a sequence of 'grains', the technique can be seen to be closely related to granular synthesis, the difference being that in FOF the grains are regular and synchronous, generating a coherent periodic waveform. (Source - Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press.)


La FOF (Formant Wave Function Synthesis) fue desarrollada como parte del proyecto "CHANT" del IRCAM, el que estuvo enfocado al desarrollo de técnicas de síntesis que imiten a la voz cantada. El sonido de un generador de impulsos (como equivalente de las cuerdas vocales) procesado a través de un conjunto de filtros pasa bandas (representando las características del tracto vocal), que se correponden con cada uno de los diferentes formantes de la voz, es el modelo en el que se basa la técnica de síntesis FOF.

Dado que la salida del generador de impulsos puede ser considerada como una secuencia de "granos", esta técnica puede ser vista como asociada a la síntesis granular, siendo la diferencia que en la FOF los granos son regulares y sincrónicos, generando de ese modo una forma de onda coherente y periódica.

(Fuente: Richard Dobson (1992). A Dictionary of Electronic and Computer Music Technology. Oxford University Press)
