Digital Aesthetics

This is an umbrella term for those areas of creative practice and research concerned with the degree to which current electroacoustic practice might be considered in terms of responses to specifically digital technologies. These digitial technologies include means of dissemination as well as production, and indeed those which blur the distinction between the two. The term generally implies post-modern modes of thinking as well as a clear ideological positioning in contrast to those in the analogue (i.e. frequently modernist) world.

Esthétique numérique

C'est le terme générique pour désigner les domaines de la création et de la recherche artistique dans lesquelles la pratique électroacoustique actuelle pourrait être considérée comme un exemple spécifique d'utilisation des technologies numériques. Ces technologies comprennent aussi bien les moyens de diffusion que ceux de production ce qui brouille la distinction entre ces deux pratiques. De plus, l'esthétique numérique implique généralement des modes de pensée postmodernes mais aussi un positionnement idéologique clair en opposition avec le monde analogique (c'est-à-dire moderniste).

Estetica digitale

Termine generico per intendere gli ambiti della creazione e della ricerca artistica nei quali la pratica elettroacustica attuale potrebbe essere considerata come un esempio specifico di utilizzo delle tecnologie numeriche. Tali tecnologie comprendono sia i mezzi di diffusione che quelli di produzione, e in verità soprattutto quelli che che mescolano i due. Il termine genericamente implica metodi di pensiero post moderni, come pure una posizione ideologica chiara in contrasto con il pensiero analogico.

Digitale Ästhetik

This is an umbrella term for those areas of creative practice and research concerned with the degree to which current electroacoustic practice might be considered in terms of responses to specifically digital technologies. These digitial technologies include means of dissemination as well as production, and indeed those which blur the distinction between the two. The term generally implies post-modern modes of thinking as well as a clear ideological positioning in contrast to those in the analogue (i.e. frequently modernist) world.

Estética Digital

Este es un término amplio usado para aquellas áreas creativas y de investigación que se ocupan del grado hasta el cual se puede considerar la práctica actual de la música electroacústica en términos de su relación con las tecnologías especificamente digitales. Estas tecnologías digitales incluyen medios de distribución así como de producción, y también aquellos que borran las fronteras entre ambos. El término generalmente implica modos postmodernos de pensamiento así como una clara posición ideológica que contrasta con aquellas del mundo analógico (es decir, frecuentemente modernista).


Bach G. (2003) The Extra-Digital Axis Mundi: Myth, Magic and Metaphor in Laptop Music
Barlow C. (1995) On the Aesthetic of all Historical Development of Electroacoustic Music
Belet B. (2003) Live Performance Interaction for Humans and Machines in the Early Twenty-first Century: One composer's aesthetics for composition and performance practice
Cascone K. (2001) The Microsound Scene: An Interview with Kim Cascone
Chadabe J. (2004) Look Around and Get Engaged
Di Scipio A. (1994) Formal Processes of Timbre Composition Challenging the Dualistic Paradigm of Computer Music: A Study in Composition Theory (II)
Dickinson K. (2001) ‘Believe?' Vocoders, Digitalised Female Identity and Camp
Garnett G. E. (2001) The Aesthetics of Interactive Computer Music
Kubisch C. (2002) Digital Arts' Black Sheep
LaBelle B., Breitsameter S. (2002) Questionnaire
Landy L. (1996) Quality and Quantity (if we're lucky) or Marcuse's problem ain't been solved yet
Landy L. (1998) Digital Music Technology Can Aid in Bringing Music Back as a Part of Life
Landy L. (2001) From Algorithmic Jukeboxes to Zero-time Synthesis: A potential A-Z of music in tomorrow's world (a conference provocation)
Landy L. (2002) La synthèse sonore: enfin l'émancipation?
Landy L. (2003) Voulez-vous changer votre paradigme avec moi ce soir?
Link S. (2001) The Work of Reproduction in the Mechanical Aging of an Art: Listening to Noise
Loubet E. (2000) Laptop Performers, Compact Disc Designers, and No-Beat Techno Artists in Japan: Music from Nowhere
Marinelli E. (1995) Il complesso di Elettra. Mappa ragionata dei centri di ricerca e produzione musicale in Italia (The Elettra Complex. Mapping research centres and musical production in Italy)
Mountain R. (2001) Caveats from a Dyed-in-the-wool Futurist
Mountain R. (2004) Theories Market: Open for Trading
Mountain R. (2004) Marketing Strategies for Electroacoustics and Computer Music
Reddell T. (2003) Laptopia: The Spatial Poetics of Networked Laptop Performance
Richard D. M. (2000) Holzwege on Mount Fuji: A doctrine of no-aesthetics for computer and electroacoustic music
Rimbaud R. (. S. (2001) Remembering How to Forget: An Artist's Exploration of Sound
Rodgers T. (2003) On the Process and Aesthetics of Sampling in Electronic Music Production
Rudy P. (2001) Separation Anxiety: Metaphoric transmutations from a paradoxical biological instrument, or: What is a cactus doing in our concert hall?
Szepanski A. (2001) A Mille Plateaux Manifesto
Tanzi D. (2001) Music Negotiation: Routes in user-based description of music
Thomson P. (2004) Atoms and Errors: Towards a history and aesthetics of microsound
Truax B. (2000) The Aesthetics of Computer Music: A questionable concept reconsidered
Turner T. (2003) The Resonance of the Cubicle: Laptop Performance in Post-digital Musics
Vidolin A. (1980) Musica e elaboratore. Orientamenti e prospettive (Music and Computer. Guidelines and perspectives)
Waters S. (2000) The musical process in the age of digital intervention
Weber-Lucks T. (2003) Electroacoustic Voices in Vocal Performance Art - A Gender Issue?
Whalley I., Dart W., Elmsly J. (2001) A View of Computer Music from New Zealand: Auckland, Waikato and the Asia/Pacific Connection
Whalley I. (2004) PIWeCS: Enhancing human/machine agency in an interactive composition system
Young J., Norris M. (2001) Half-heard Sounds in the Summer Air: Electroacoustic Music in Wellington and the South Island of New Zealand