This is one of the most comprehensive discussions of sound art available and includes the following chapters which have been entered separately on the EARS site:
Helga de la Motte - Sound Art: its concepts and history (Klangkunst: Die gedanklichen und geschichtlichen Voraussetzungen)
Sabine Sabio - Autonomy, Intention, Situation: Aspects of an expanded concept of art (Autonomie, Intentionalität, Situation: Aspekte eines erweiterten Kunstbegriffs)
Martin Supper - Technical Systems related to Sound Installations (Technische Systeme von Klanginstallationen) Frank Gertich - Sound Sculpture (Klangskulpturen)
Golo Föllmer - Sound Organisations in Public Spaces (Klangorganisation im öffentlichen Raum)
Helge de la Motte-Haber - Between Performance and Installation (Zwischen Performance und Installation)
Artists' Biographies