This book presents a series of essays dedicated to the state of musical production, research and theoretical considerations in the field of electronic music in Italy. A survey of electronic centres, other structures and schools of electronic music and conservatories follows. These surveys include: a brief history, an overview of scientific research (contents and titles of main publications), musical production (typology and main titles), communication and dissemination, technical equipment, and a glossary.
Table of contents:
- Introduction (Gisella Belgeri)
- Music and science, from Pitagora to the CEMAT (Marco Stroppa)
- Science, music and technology: yesterday, today and tomorrow (Giuseppe Di Giugno)
- Micro- economics of electronic music (Nicola Bernardini - Alvise Vidolin)
- The civilization of sound. Problems of transition (Michelangelo Lupone)
- Technology and dramaturgy (Giorgio Battistelli)
- Searching and researching (Luca Francesconi)
- The relationship between the CEMAT (Centri Musicali ATtrezzati) and the Performing Arts (Nicola Sani)
- Centres of Research & production of computer music in the world (Nicola Bernardini)
- Live electronics (Mauro Cardi - Luigi Ceccarelli)
- Exalted the Arts, affirmed the imagination, what type of education? (Roberto Doati)
- Conservation, documentation and restoration of electronic musical assets (Alvise Vidolin)
- Centres of research and musical production: AC.EL. ñ Napoli, AGON ñ Milano, A.I.M.I. ñ Venezia, Centro Produzione Musica Elettroacustica - EDISON ñ Roma, Centro Tempo Reale ñ Firenze, C.E.R.M. ñ Sassari, C.I.A.R.M. ñ Ferrara, C.I.R.S. ñ Venezia, Civica Scuola di Musica ñ Milano, CNUCE-C.N.R. ñ Firenze, CNUCE-C.N.R. ñ Pisa, C.R.F. ñ Torino, C.R.M. ñ Roma, C.S.C. ñ Padova, D.I S.T. ñ Genova, GRAMMA - L'Aquila, I.R.I.S. ñ Frosinone, L.I.M. ñ Milano, L.I.M.B. ñ Venezia, MM&T ñ Milano, Musica Verticale ñ Roma, S.A.P.E. ñ Ancona, Spaziomusica Ricerca ñ Cagliari
- Other structures: D.M.S. ñ Bologna, L.M.S. ñ LíAquila, Silence ñ Bari, The Audio-Lab ñ Caserta, Dipartimento di ingegneria elettronica dell'Universit‡ degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata
- Electronic music in conservatories of music: ministerial decree 24 September 1994; Conservatory of music and officially recognized high schools with electronic music courses
- Glossary