
This term designates operations in the studio that alter the natural and referential character of a sound, extracting from it referential criteria, presenting a more abstract musical potential more abstract than its original reference. Transformations of any order, like filtering, enveloping, or pitch-shifting alter sounds by partially of totally removing traces of their original causes. (Source - Rodolfo Caesar (1992). The Composition of Electroacoustic Music. PhD Thesis, University of East Anglia.)


Ce terme désigne les opérations réalisées en studio qui modifient le caractère naturel ou référentiel d'un son, qui en suppriment les critères référentiels ou qui mettent en valeur un potentiel musical plus abstrait que dans le son original. Les transformations de n'importe quel ordre comme le filtrage, la modification de l'enveloppe ou la transposition altèrent les sons en supprimant partiellement ou totalement les traces de leurs origines. (Source - Rodolfo César (1992). The Composition of Electroacoustic Music. Thèse de doctorat, Université d'East Anglia.)

Modellamento astratto (Abstract-shaping)

Il termine designa le operazioni realizzate in studio mirate a modificare o sopprimere il carattere naturale e referenziale del suono, ad esempio estraendo un potenziale musicale più astratto rispetto al suono originale. Le trasformazioni possono essere di qualunque tipo, come ad esempio il filtraggio, la modificazione dell'inviluppo, la trasposizione, e possono sopprimere parzialmente o totalmente le tracce del suono originale (Fonte: Rodolfo César (1992). The Composition of Electroacoustic Music. Tesi di dottorato, University of East Anglia).

Abstract Shaping

This term designates operations in the studio that alter the natural and referential character of a sound, extracting from it referential criteria, presenting a more abstract musical potential more abstract than its original reference. Transformations of any order, like filtering, enveloping, or pitch-shifting alter sounds by partially of totally removing traces of their original causes. (Source - Rodolfo Caesar (1992). The Composition of Electroacoustic Music. PhD Thesis, University of East Anglia.)

Modelado Abstracto (Abstract-shaping)

Este término comprende a las operaciones de estudio que alteran el caracter natural y referencial de un sonido, extrayéndole los criterios referenciales, y presentando un potencial musical más abstracto que su referente original. Transformaciones de cualquier tipo, como el filtrado, los cambios en la envolvente, o la transposición, alteran el sonido removiendo parcial o totalmente los rastros de las causas originales.

(Fuente: Rodolfo Caesar (1992). The Composition of Electroacoustic Music. Tesis de doctorado, University of East Anglia)
