Musikaliche Experimente in der musikwissenschaftlichen Forschung: Werner Meyer-Eppler und die elektronische Musik (Musical experiments in musicological research: Werner Meyer-Eppler and electronic music)

Ungeheuer, Elena


KlangForschung: Symposium zur elektronischen Musik : 37-50.

Language: English

In this article, Ungeheuer provides an introduction and overview concerning Meyer-Eppler's ideas and influences concerning early electronic music developments. These range from aspects derived from phonetics to acoustics research. He is one of the first people to consider music made electronically and is responsible for the introduction of many terms related to electronic (and formalised) music one of which, Klangkontinuum (Sound continuum) is introduced at some length. The author goes on to demonstrate how concepts from speech and from mathematics were called upon to form theoretical bases for electronic music composition and hence its musicology.