The “Bollettino del Laboratorio permanente per l’Informatica Musicale della Biennale” (LIMB, Review of the Permanent Laboratory for Computer Music of the Biennale, whose activity lasted from 1980 to 1986) was conceived to communicate the results that the dialogue between new technologies and musical composition was developing. The second volume contains lectures presented during the Symposium “Informatics and Musical Composition” (Venice, October 1981) and articles that explain the compositional process used in some works commissioned by the LIMB. It also contains an article on waveshaping synthesis techniques and an activity overview of CSC (Centro di Sonologia Computazionale dell'Università di Padova).
Table of contents
- Introduction (Alvise Vidolin)
- Digital techniques of sound: current influences and future perspectives in music (Jean-Claude Risset)
- Timbre investigation by means of analysis and synthesis (Jean-Claude Risset e David Wessel)
- Spectral fusion and auditory images (Stephen McAdams)
- Formal representation of basic structures of instruments for the sound synthesis (Maurizio Santoiemma)
- Dynamic spectra with waveshaping technique (Alessandro Forin)
- Parafrasi (Aldo Clementi)
- Digital realization of Parafrasi (Mauro Graziani)
- Cadenza estesa e coda (Claudio Ambrosini)
- Computer realization and interpretation of Cadenza estesa e coda (Daniele Torresan)
- Forma magistra ludi (Corrado Pasquotti)
- Notes on the technical realisation of Forma magistra ludi (Giannantonio Patella)
- Layers (John Melby)
- Notes on the work Piccolo principe (James Dashow)