Musica e tecnologia domani. Convegno internazionale sulla musica elettroacustica
This article present a historic overview of the activity of three electroacoustic music centres in Italy during the ‘60s. They are the Studio di Fonologia Musicale in Florence founded by Pietro Grossi, the SMET - Studio di Musica elettronica in Turin (Enore Zaffiri), the N.P.S. - Nuove Proposte Sonore in Padua (Teresa Rampazzi). They created some important effects in the field of the new technologies, such as the first Computer music pieces in Italy and the application of syntactic geometrical models to the electronic language.
The author calls them ‘schools’, non only for their artistic results or for being a pole of attraction for musical and artistic activities, but above all for their great attention for the educational activity (the very first electronic music courses in the Italian conservatories of music were born from these experiences).