The “Bollettino del Laboratorio permanente per l’Informatica Musicale della Biennale” (LIMB, Review of the Permanent Laboratory for Computer Music of the Biennale, whose activity lasted from 1980 to 1986) was conceived to communicate the results that the dialogue between new technologies and musical composition was developing. The third number stresses the important role the LIMB had in the organisation of the first European edition of the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) within the context of the Numero e suono Festival of the Venice Biennale. The Bollettino contains a selection of the papers presented at the symposium (translated into Italian). The second part contains articles dedicated to the pieces commissioned by the Biennale. An article describing the problematic situation of the pedagogy of electronic music at the Italian conservatoires of music closes the review.
Table of contents
- Introduction (Alvise Vidolin)
- Stylistic automatism of Gradient (Charles Ames)
- Composing in sound (an introduction) (Walter BianchI)
- Music and causality (Goffredo Haus – Giovanni Antoni)
- Aesthetic integration of scores realised with the computer (Gottfried Michael Koenig)
- Segmente 99-105 (Gottfried Michael Koenig) [with the complete score]
- Fantasia su roBErto FABbriCiAni (Aldo Clementi) [with the complete score]
- Fusione fugace (Tod Machover) [with the complete score]
- A voi che lavorate sulla terra (Fausto Razzi) [with the complete score]
- The realisation of A voi che lavorate sulla terra (Daniele Torresan)
- Passages (Jean-Claude Risset) [with the complete score]
- The electronic instrument and Italian pedagogy at the conservatoires of music (Appendix I)