This book was written for the festival “Metaphonies. Fifty years of electroacoustic music”: 12 concerts and conference days held over the period, December 1998 and May 2000. It presents programmes, descriptions of the eighty works and biographies of their fourteen authors. It also includes a series of articles whose purpose is to give an idea of past, present and future possibilities of the electroacoustic music. Finally it includes some Italian translation of historical articles.
Table of contents
First part
- Programme of the festival
- “Metaphonies: Fifty years of electroacoustic music” – An introduction (Francesco Galante – Luigi Pestalozza)
- Presentation of the works
- Authors’ biographies (Roberto Favaro)
- Chairpersons’ biographies (Roberto Favaro)
Second part
- Unpublished documentation from the Studio di Fonologia Musicale della Rai di Milano (Nicola Scaldaferri)
- On electronic music (Karlheinz Stockhausen)
- Traité des objets musicaux (Pierre Schaeffer) [Italian translation of pages 22-66 e 31-32 from the Traité des objets musicaux by P.Schaeffer, Paris Seuil 1977]
- Pierre Schaeffer : searching the sound object (Cristina Palomba)
- Studium im studio (Gottfried-Michael Koenig)
- Ex machina, ex homine (Edoardo Sanguineti)
- Inventing, expropriating, stealing: “electronic music” is also popular (Franco Fabbri)