This article analyses the so-called ‘electronic revolution’. It presents an historical overview from the first experiments (John Cage, ENIAC, Max Mathews, IRCAM, the 4X and the DX7), different approaches of electroacoustic music (acousmatic music, synthesis, real time, mixed works), and psychoacoustic research. In the end, it presents some quotations taken from Francis Bacon, Honoré de Balzac, Lady Ada Lovelace, Edgar Varèse and Iannis Xenakis.
L’articolo analizza la cosiddetta ‘rivoluzione elettrica’. Presenta una panoramica storica delle prime sperimentazioni (John Cage, ENIAC, Max Mathews, IRCAM, 4X e DX7), i vari approcci (musica acusmatica, sintesi, tempo reale, opere miste) e la ricerca psicoacustica. L’articolo termina con alcune citazioni tratte da Francis Bacon, Honoré de Balzac, Lady Ada Lovelace, Edgar Varèse, Iannis Xenakis.