Sound Shaping

Sometimes also called 'Sculpting with Sound', this entry has been created for the glossary as an umbrella term covering all processes involved in spectral and/or temporal sound manipulation.

Sound Shaping

Parfois aussi nommé “sculpture de son”, cette technique a été ajoutée au lexique comme terme générique regroupant l'ensemble des processus utilisant la manipulation spectrale ou temporelle des sons.

Modellazione del suono

Detta anche “scultura del suono”, questa tecnica è stata aggiunta al Lessico come termine generico per raggruppare l'insieme dei processi che utilizzano la manipolazione spettrale o temporale dei suoni.


Sometimes also called 'Sculpting with Sound', this entry has been created for the glossary as an umbrella term covering all processes involved in spectral and/or temporal sound manipulation.

Modelado Sonoro (Sound Shaping)

Al modelado sonoro se lo llama también a veces "esculpir con sonido". Esta entrada ha sido creada en el glosario como un término amplio que pueda comprender a todos los procesos involucrados en la manipulación espectral y/o temporal de sonidos.


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