Interconnected Musical Networks: Toward a Theoretical Framework

Weinberg, Gil


Computer Music Journal 29(2): 23-39.

Language: English

In this article, the author attempts to define and classify the aesthetic and technical principles of interconnected musical networks. Music performance is an interdependent art form. Real time gestures of musicians are constantly influenced by the music they hear, which are reciprocally influenced by their own actions. In group playing, the interdependent effect bears unique social consequences such as the formulation of leaders and followers or changes in the dynamics and timing of individual players in correlation to group synchronization. Other manifestations of interdependent group routines can be found in a variety of musical genres such as Western chamber music, Jazz, Gamelan, Persian music, and others. Performers often address the importance of interdependent group collaboration and sharing in their music. However, the interdependency in the piece was manifested in two planes. There were the interdependent interactions between the players and the network of radio stations that provided unknown and dynamic musical content. Yet, the system also supported intraplayer interdependencies, as for every frequency-dial player there was a volume-dial player who could manipulate the final output gain, controlling a full continuum from complete muting to maximum amplification.